Chris Wolf presents to World Privacy Authorities in Jerusalem

Chris Wolf presents paper, “Targeted Enforcement and Shared Lawmaking Authority as Catalysts for Data Protection in the United States,” at the 32nd Annual International Conference of Data Protection and Privacy Commissioners  in Jerusalem.  An article adapted from that presentation appears in the BNA Privacy and Security Law Report and can be found here.

The Billion Dollar Privacy Question…

This is the Billion Dollar privacy question: Good or Evil: Have We Shared Too Much w/ Facebook, Google & Apple? expired) great infographic show why the answer is .. YES

Some Weekend Reading for Smart Grid Privacy Folks

The U.S. Department of Energy released two reports on important policy issues raised by Smart Grid technologies that can promote innovation, cut costs for consumers and modernize the electrical grid.

Check out the press release here.

Check out the reports here.

Privacy Papers for Policy Makers 2010

The Future of Privacy Forum (FPF) released a journal of Privacy Papers for Policy Makers, which highlights six leading privacy writings that were voted by the FPF Advisory Board to be most useful for policy makers on Capitol Hill and within federal agencies who are focusing on how to improve the protection of personal privacy.  The writings cover a wide array of topics, including recommendations for regulatory reform, how privacy protection must adapt to user perceptions and how to design privacy policies for the Web.

To view the journal, click here: Privacy Paper for Policy Makers

Chris Wolf's Guest Post: A call for shared responsibility for preserving individual privacy

On October 4, The Last Watchdog featured Chris’ guest blogger piece, A call for shared responsibility for preserving individual privacy, where he comments on the data theft and spam increase, and examines the question of who should be responsible for preserving an individual’s privacy.

Cookie Opt-In – EuroPriSe – European Privacy Seal

As usual, some of the most thoughtful and practical advice about EU data compliance around behavioral ads comes from the staff of the data commissioner of  Schleswig-Holstein in Germany who run the EuroPrise privacy seal. “Opt-in” achieved via icons plus access to see and edit profiles, plus additional reminders.

Read about it here: Cookie Opt-In

Facebook Privacy News

Facebook announced a number of new features today, but the one we think is the most important for privacy is a new “dashboard for apps” that helps manage the data applications may be accessing. Users will be able to see what types of data were last accessed by each app and can deny access to non-essential data. With these new controls, apps that grab more than they need leave an “audit trail” that may encourage users to cut them off.  Excellent step forward – and something other platforms should take a good look at!