European Union’s Data-Based Policy Against the Pandemic, Explained
Benefitting from a mature and largely harmonized data protection legal framework, the European Union and its Member States are taking policymaking steps towards a pan-European approach to enlisting data and technology against the spread of COVID-19 and to support the gradual restarting of the economy. Here is an overview of key recent events essential to […]

Privacy and Pandemics: A Thoughtful Discussion
As the COVID-19 virus spreads, governments, researchers, and healthcare institutions are seeking to obtain and deploy consumer data to track the spread of the virus, deliver emergency supplies, target travel restrictions and quarantines, and develop vaccines and cures. But can data collected from phones, credit cards, and other sources be used in this emergency without […]

A Closer Look at Location Data: Privacy and Pandemics
In this series, Privacy and Pandemics, the Future of Privacy Forum explores the challenges posed by the COVID-19 crisis to existing ethical, privacy, and data protection frameworks, and will seek to provide information and guidance to companies and researchers interested in responsible data sharing to support public health response. Future posts will examine pandemic-tracking mobile […]

FPF and AASA Release Student Privacy Guidance to Help Schools Manage COVID-19 Response
Today, the Future of Privacy Forum (FPF) and AASA, The School Superintendents Association, released a new white paper that offers guidance to help K-12 and higher education administrators and educators protect student privacy during the COVID-19 pandemic.

A Closer Look at Genetic Data Privacy and Nondiscrimination in 2020
Florida lawmakers recently introduced HB 1189/SB 1564 – a bill that would prohibit life and long-term care insurers from basing coverage and rates or denying coverage based on individuals’ genetic information. Washington State lawmakers are considering a bill, HB 2485, that would prohibit life insurance companies and others from obtaining individuals’ genetic information from direct-to-consumer […]

Close to the Finish Line: Observations on the Washington Privacy Act
By: Stacey Gray and Gabriela Zanfir-Fortuna * We wrote last week that Washington State seems poised to become the second US state to pass a major comprehensive privacy bill. The proposed Washington Privacy Act (WPA) would be mostly aligned with the EU’s GDPR, the global gold standard for data protection (although there are still some […]

EDPB Draft Guidelines on Connected Cars Focus on Data Protection by Design and Push for Consent
By Gabriela Zanfir-Fortuna and Chelsey Colbert The European Data Protection Board recently published its draft Guidelines 1/2020 on processing personal data in the context of connected vehicles and mobility related applications, which are open for feedback until March 20. The EDPB writes that the main challenge for complying with European data protection and privacy laws […]

Youth & Education Project Media Mentions
Refreshing staff on FERPA essential as districts implement COVID-19 screening, Education Dive, Shawna De La Rosa, July 20, 2020 Explainer: How the U.S. Seeks to Protect Children’s Privacy Online, Reuters, July 8, 2020 Online learning hiccups lead to civil liberties threats, The Hill, Williamson N. Evers and Jonathan Hofer, July 7, 2020 Facial recognition in Lockport […]

Award-Winning Paper: "The Many Revolutions of Carpenter"
For the tenth year, FPF’s annual Privacy Papers for Policymakers program is presenting to lawmakers and regulators award-winning research representing a diversity of perspectives. Among the papers to be honored at an event at the Hart Senate Office Building on February 6, 2020 is The Many Revolutions of Carpenter by Paul Ohm of Georgetown University […]

It’s Raining Privacy Bills: An Overview of the Washington State Privacy Act and other Introduced Bills
By Pollyanna Sanderson (Policy Counsel), Katelyn Ringrose (Christopher Wolf Diversity Law Fellow) & Stacey Gray (Senior Policy Counsel) Today, on the first day of a rapid-fire 2020 legislative session in the state of Washington, State Senator Carlyle has introduced a new version of the Washington Privacy Act (WPA). Legislators revealed the Act during a live press […]