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FPF Releases Report on the Adoption of Privacy Enhancing Technologies by State Education Agencies
[…] and considerations for enhancing data protection measures. The landscape analysis, first previewed in a late 2024 webinar and expert panel discussion, evaluated the organizational readiness and critical use cases for PETs within SEAs and the broader education sector, ultimately highlighting the need to raise awareness of what PETs are and what they are not, […]

Data Sharing for Research Tracker
[…] request process. Researchers must be affiliated with an academic institution, research or healthcare organization, or government agency with some form of IRB and can sign a Data Use Agreement. Meta Meta Content Library Near real-time public content from Facebook and Instagram. Has a web-based user interface in which to explore data, test out search […]

Chile’s New Data Protection Law: Context, Overview, and Key Takeaways
[…] the data subject. When technically feasible, the LPPD mandates the portability to be performed directly from controller to controller. In addition, the LPPD indicates the controller must use the “most expeditious and least onerous means” and communicate to the data subject in a “clear and precise manner” the necessary measures to carry out the […]

Geopolitical fragmentation, the AI race, and global data flows: the new reality
[…] Health Data Space Regulation. In addition, under the Data Act ‘data holders,’ regardless of where they are based in the world, must make data related to the use of connected devices readily available to EU-based users and recipients. Initiatives to promote the EU’s digital sovereignty and minimise the need to transfer data to centralized […]

Yeong Zee Kin

FPF Submits Comments to the California Privacy Protection Agency on Proposed Rulemaking
[…] the highest-risk uses of ADMT; 2. Ensure that carve-outs for narrowly used, low-risk AI systems are appropriately tailored to avoid unintended impacts to socially beneficial technologies and use cases; 3. Clarify the intended scope of definition “significant decision” to include decisions that result in “access to” the specified goods and services; 4. Consider whether […]

FPF Releases Infographic Highlighting the Spectrum of AI in Education
To highlight the wide range of current use cases for Artificial Intelligence (AI) in education and future possibilities and constraints, the Future of Privacy Forum (FPF) today released a new infographic, Artificial Intelligence in Education: Key Concepts and Uses. While generative AI tools that can write essays, generate and alter images, and engage with […]

FPF Celebrates Safer Internet Day with Newly Released Encryption Infographic
[…] Encryption is often used to secure or authenticate sensitive documents. Encryption applies a mathematical formula, which obfuscates plaintext information and transforms the plaintext into unreadable ciphertext. Each use of encryption generates a long number that is the mathematical solution to the formula and can unscramble the protected sensitive information. If a private key is […]

Minding Mindful Machines: AI Agents and Data Protection Considerations
[…] goals. Advances in AI research, particularly around machine and deep learning techniques and the advent of LLMs, have enabled organizations to develop agents that can tackle novel use cases, such as purchasing retail goods and recommending and executing transactions. From finance to hospitality, these technologies could help individuals, businesses, and governments save time they […]

15th Annual Privacy Papers for Policymakers
[…] privacy professionals. The event will be held on Wednesday, March 12, 2025 at FPF Headquarters, 1350 I St, Suite 200, NW, Washington, D.C. 20005. This event is free and open to the general public. Register for this event by clicking here! To learn more about the 14th Annual Privacy Papers for Policymakers, click here. […]