“For us, it really made sense since we are the Future of Privacy Forum, and we constantly look at the new technologies and what impact they can have on people and society and how can we put the right rules in place to help privacy leaders and policymakers figure out the right way to engage.”
FPF Launches Israel Tech Policy Institute
Last week, we launched the Israel Tech Policy Institute, an incubator for tech policy leadership and scholarship, advancing ethical practices in support of emerging technologies. Co-founded by Jules Polonetsky, CEO of the Future of Privacy Forum, and Omer Tene, an Israeli law professor and VP and Chief Knowledge Office at the International Association of Privacy Professionals, the Israel Tech Policy Institute is a new think tank established to provoke, convene and lead policy discussions and support research on privacy, cybersecurity and ethical use of technologies. Liron Tzur-Neumann, a Senior Fellow at the Institute, is an associate at HFN with experience at the Israeli Antitrust Authority. The Israel Tech Policy Institute Advisory Board provides guidance to ITPI staff on major policy initiatives.
In a recent interview with the International Association of Privacy Professionals’ Privacy Tech, Jules expressed that he is betting on Israel to continue its surge upwards, hoping that a country known for being a cybersecurity leader will also end up emerging as a privacy-technology leader. He explains: