FPF Statement of Staff Discussion of Draft of Boucher-Sterns Consumer Privacy Bill
May 4, 2010
Media Contact: Ted Kresse
Future of Privacy Forum Statement on Staff Discussion Draft of Boucher-Stearns Consumer Privacy Bill
Washington, DC — Today, the Co-Chairs of the Future of Privacy Forum, Christopher Wolf and Jules Polonetsky, released a joint statement on the release of the staff discussion draft of the Boucher-Stearns consumer privacy bill:
“We commend Rep. Boucher, Rep. Stearns, and their staff for a thoughtful and considerate examination of emerging online privacy issues. And we applaud the Congressmen for circulating a draft for all interested parties to constructively evaluate prior to any proposed legislation.
We were pleased to see the legislation include a focus on providing users with greater transparency and control about their online experience, which was a major focus of FPF’s recent icons project. We look forward to evaluating the draft in more depth in the coming months, and working with the Congressmen and their staff to further hone it so that it can support the goal of advancing responsible data practices.”
In addition to the statement above, FPF recently released a diagram to illustrate the complicated data flow in the online ecosystem. To see the chart click here.