Join FPF For XR Week: April 19th-23rd, 2021

Adoption of augmented and virtual reality hardware and software technologies – collectively known as extended reality or “XR” – is taking hold among businesses and individuals. If you’d like to engage in the discussion about the ethical and privacy considerations of XR tech, join our XR Week activities April 19th to 23rd!
After decades of development, demonstrations, and improvements to hardware and software, immersive technologies are increasingly being implemented in education and training, gaming, multimedia, navigation, and communication. Emerging use cases will let individuals explore complicated moral dilemmas or experience a shared digital overlay of the physical world in real time. But XR technologies typically cannot function without collecting sensitive personal information – data that can create privacy risks.
FPF’s XR Week will explore key privacy and ethical questions surrounding augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and related immersive technologies. The week will feature several events, including a roundtable discussion with expert participants and several conversations hosted in virtual reality.
April 19th, 1:00 – 1:20PM EDT: Reel Virtuality
To kick off XR Week, FPF Policy Counsel and lead on XR technology Jeremy Greenberg and FPF Vice President of Policy John Verdi will discuss a report, Augmented Reality + Virtual Reality: Privacy & Autonomy Considerations in Emerging, Immersive Digital Worlds, to be released on the same day. Greenberg and Verdi will discuss the differences between various immersive technologies, primary use cases, and key privacy and ethical questions. The conversation, originally recorded in Real VR Fishing, can be viewed in 2-D on LinkedIn Live – register for the event on LinkedIn to receive a notification when it begins.
April 21st, 2:00 – 3:30PM EDT: AR + VR: Privacy & Autonomy Considerations for Immersive Digital Worlds
Our featured XR Week event, AR + VR: Privacy & Autonomy Considerations for Immersive Digital Worlds, will include a conversation between FPF Policy Counsel and lead on XR technology Jeremy Greenberg, and Facebook Reality Labs Director of Policy James Hairston. A panel, moderated by Greenberg, will discuss the recorded conversation. Panelists will include:
- Ana Lang, Senior Vice President, General Counsel, Magic Leap.
- Joe Jerome, Director of Platform Accountability & State Advocacy, Common Sense Media.
- Jessica Outlaw, Behavioral Scientist, The Extended Mind.
April 22nd, 1:00 – 1:10PM EDT: Sculpting XR Compliance
On the Thursday of XR Week, Greenberg and BakerHostetler Data Protection Attorney Carolina Alonso will discuss the legal compliance challenges associated with XR technologies. The conversation, originally recorded in SculptrVR, can be viewed in 2-D on LinkedIn Live – register for the event on LinkedIn.
We hope you’ll join us!