The Future of Privacy Forum Announces New Publication: “Privacy Papers for Policy Makers: The Future of Privacy Forum Annual Review”
WASHINGTON, DC – Today, the Future of Privacy Forum (FPF) co-chairs announced a new competition-based project that is entitled: “Privacy Papers for Policy Makers.” This new publication is made possible in part by the generous support of LexisNexis, AT&T and others.
The goal of this endeavor is to highlight important research and analytical work on a variety of privacy topics, and to ensure that policymakers are informed of the most influential scholarship as they address privacy issues. Academics, privacy advocates and Chief Privacy Officers on FPF’S Advisory Board will review the papers that are submitted. A selection of papers deemed best suited and most useful for policy makers in Congress, the FTC, FCC and state leaders, will be summarized and a compilation will be bound and sent to policymakers in the US and abroad.
Papers that are submitted should clearly analyze current and emerging privacy issues, and either propose achievable short-term solutions or propose new means of analysis that could lead to solutions. Judging criteria will include clarity, practicality and overall utility.
Papers must be received by the Future of Privacy Forum by no later than July 15th, 2010. Entries may be submitted via email to [email protected] with the subject line “Privacy Papers Project” or sent by mail to Future of Privacy Forum, 919 18th Street, NW, Suite 925 Washington, DC 20006. Entries should include the author’s full name, phone number, current postal address, and email address. The entry can provide a link to a published paper or a draft paper that has a publication date. FPF will work with the authors of selected papers to develop a policymaker appropriate summary that respects any relevant copyright concerns.
Winners will be notified in late August and the selected papers will be formally announced at The George Washington University Law School at a breakfast in early September, where we plan to have a public conference to discuss some of the ideas presented in the winning submissions.
The Future of Privacy Forum (FPF) is a Washington, DC based think tank that seeks to advance responsible data practices. The forum is led by Internet privacy experts Jules Polonetsky and Christopher Wolf and includes an advisory board comprised of leading figures from industry, academia, law and advocacy groups. FPF was launched in November 2008.