Connecting the Dots on Privacy, Security, & Online Safety for Young People in Australia

Live Virtual Webinar June 26, 2024 @ 11:00am - 1:00pm Australian Eastern Standard Time


Join us for the live webinar, Connecting the Dots on Privacy, Security, and Online Safety for Young People in Australia, co-hosted by the Australian Strategic Policy Institute and the Future of Privacy Forum on June 26 at 11:00am – 1:00pm Australian Eastern Standard Time.

In our increasingly digital world, the boundaries of our expectations related to privacy, security and online safety are stretched more and more – by technology companies, criminals and harm-doers, as well as regulators. Finding a good balance that ensures appropriate protection for members of our community in their use of digital products and services is complicated.

Globally, Australia has been trailblazing many of these discussions. This includes the passage of the Online Safety Act in 2021 and the associated work by the Office of the e-Safety Commissioner. Currently, the Online Safety Act is subjected to a statutory review and the eSafety Commissioner has published a draft Online safety Industry Standards for consultation, with final standards expected soon. Relevant work is also being done in other areas of government, particularly in the ongoing work reforming the Privacy Act as well as in the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner.

Therefore, this is an opportune moment to broadly consider some of the current efforts to protect the interests of children and other groups online in Australia. This event will discuss the potential impacts of specific mandates or regulations, including broader societal impacts, the significance of the growing availability of AI-driven tools and services, and how regulators and policy leaders may balance these critically important interests.

Organized by: Australian Strategic Policy Institute and the Future of Privacy Forum

Please note this webinar is in the Australian Eastern Standard Time zone.

This event is a live virtual webinar.


  • Mike Bareja, Deputy Director – Cyber, Technology & Security, ASPI


  • Peter Leonard, Principal and Director, Data Synergy
  • Lizzie O’Shea, Founder and Chair, Digital Rights Watch
  • Amber Hawkes, Principal, Online Safety & Digital Literacy, Pearl Consulting
  • Dr. Susanne Lloyd-Jones, Cyber Security CRC Post Doctoral Fellow, UNSW Allens Hub for Technology, Law and Innovation