Public Feedback Sessions for Multi-State AI Policy Working Group

Live Streaming on Youtube January 27, 2025 @ 10:00am - 12:00pm ET and 4:00pm - 6:00pm ET


Please join the Multistate AI Policymaker Working Group on January 27th for a public feedback session on two draft AI bills.

Click here to view the live stream via YouTube.

Click here to view the live stream via YouTube.

During this Public Feedback Session, participants will present to state lawmakers of the Multistate Policymaker working group in regards to two pieces of legislation: 1), the “High-Risk AI” framework based on legislation drafted by CT Sen. Maroney and CO Sen. Rodriguez and 2) the Texas Responsible AI Governance Act ( drafted by Rep. Capriglione. In particular, lawmakers are interested in learning about specific policy concerns associated with particular provisions and language, recommended changes and revisions, and comparative analysis based upon similarities and differences between these draft bills.

Specific individuals and organizations have been specifically selected by the Chair to speak, including several members of the public who previously submitted requests to participate and were selected via lottery.

Participants will have the opportunity to speak for 5 minutes with specific recommendations and requests. Then, the lawmakers and members of the working group will be allotted 10 minutes for Q&A with each participant.

Program Agenda

Session 1

  1. Opening Remarks (10:00 – 10:10)
    a. Senator Hester, Maryland (10 – 10:05)
    b. John Verdi, Senior Vice President for Policy, FPF (10:05 – 10:10)
  2. Comments (5 minutes verbal comments, up to 10 minutes Q&A)
    a. Amanda Ballantyne, AFL-CIO ( – 10:25)
    b. Evangelos Razis, Workday ( – 10:40)
    c. Christopher Gilrein, Technet ( – 10:55)
    d. Bethany Abbate, Software & Information Industry Association ( – 11:10)
    e. Thomas MacLellan, Palo Alto Networks ( – 11:25)
    f. Ben Winters, Consumer Federation ( – 11:40)
    g. Neil Chilson, Abundance Institute ( – 11:55)
  3. Closing Remarks

Session 2

  1. Opening Remarks (4:00 – 4:10)
    a. Senator Maroney
    b. John Verdi, Senior Vice President for Policy, FPF
  2. Comments (5 minutes verbal comments, up to 10 minutes Q&A)
    a. Alice Friend, Google ( – 4:25)
    b. Meghan Pensyl, BSA ( – 4:40)
    c. Matthew Scherer, CDT ( – 4:55)
    d. Ryan Harkins, Microsoft ( – 5:10)
    e. Nicole Foster, Amazon ( – 5:25)
    f. Grace Gedye, Consumer Reports ( – 5:40)
    g. Mark Sendak – Duke University ( – 5:55)
    h. Kara Williams, EPIC ( – 6:10)
  3. Closing Remarks

These Feedback Sessions will be completely public sessions that will be live streamed via YouTube for anyone to watch.