
Please join us for a live virtual webinar on The Current State of Kids’ and Teens’ Privacy on Tuesday November 7, from 12:00 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. ET.
Privacy by design for kids and teens has expanded across the globe. Pioneering child privacy regulation and guidance in the U.K. and Ireland has drawn the attention of companies, advocates, and policymakers worldwide. The U.K.’s Age Appropriate Design Code went into effect in September 2021, and the Irish Fundamentals were released in December 2021 with immediate effect. The French CNIL completed a comprehensive review on data protection for children and subsequently released recommendations in August 2021. The California Age-Appropriate Design Code was signed into law in September 2022. Variations of the law have proliferated throughout the U.S.’s state legislatures this year while Congress and the FTC contemplate enhanced protections extending to all users under 18.
These frameworks are already influential worldwide and usher in sweeping changes for companies with child-directed services and – more broadly – any internet services with kids or teens as part of their audience. This panel will explore the basic principles behind Age Appropriate Design Codes, the variations in youth privacy approaches, and how global organizations are approaching these issues. Join us for a discussion to uncover these emerging issues and their impacts on U.S. corporate practice.
Key Takeaways:
- Learn about emerging global trends in children’s privacy, including new regulatory and legislative efforts
- A better understanding of the interaction between COPPA, the U.K. Children’s Code, global child privacy initiatives, the California AADC (and pending litigation), and what can be learned for regulation and compliance moving forward
- Tips and practical strategies for compliance and proactively addressing issues emerging from increased attention to children’s privacy
The webinar will include a moderated discussion with our panelists following their presentations. Please include any questions you’d like to be asked in your registration form.
This event is a live virtual webinar.