Can WPP Demystify Behavioral Targeting?
Can WPP Demystify Behavioral Targeting?
Media Post
By Wendy Davis
May 20, 2009
The think tank Future of Privacy Forum announced this week that it tapped ad agency WPP to come up with new ways of notifying Web users about online behavioral advertising.
Director Jules Polonetsky hopes that advertising creatives will be able to come up with something more intelligible than the lengthy jargon-filled policies that are all too often incomprehensible. Federal Trade Commission Chair Jon Leibowitz, who has urged Web companies to provide clear and succinct notice about ad targeting, is cheering the project.
Jules Polonetsky quoted:
“I’m very heartened with what the Future of Privacy Forum has announced,” he tells MediaPost. “Most current online privacy policies are essentially incomprehensible for even the savviest online users.”
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