The Future of Privacy Forum (FPF) invites privacy scholars and authors with an interest in privacy issues to nominate finished papers for consideration for FPF’s annual Privacy Papers for Policymakers Award.
FPF’s 15th Annual Privacy Papers for Policymakers
In 2025, FPF will celebrate its 15th Annual Privacy Papers for Policymakers (PPPM) Award. The award recognizes leading privacy scholarship relevant to policymakers in the U.S. Congress, U.S. federal agencies, and international data protection authorities.
The Privacy Papers for Policymakers Award allows privacy and data protection scholars, researchers, and authors in the U.S. and internationally to inject their ideas into the current policy discussion. It highlights important work that analyzes current and emerging privacy issues and proposes achievable short-term solutions or new means of analysis that could lead to real-world policy solutions. The submitted papers are reviewed and selected by a diverse team of academics, advocates, and industry privacy professionals from FPF’s Advisory Board.

Award Events and Opportunities
FPF will invite winning papers focused on U.S. policy to present their work at an annual event in Washington, D.C., in March 2025, with top policymakers and privacy leaders.
FPF will also publish a digest of the summaries of all the winning papers for distribution to policymakers in the U.S. and abroad. All winners are highlighted in the 15th Annual PPPM press release to the media, on the FPF website, and in the FPF briefing that goes to a list of 12K stakeholders.
The 15th Annual Privacy Papers For Policymakers call for submissions is extended until October 18, 2024.
Submission Requirements
- Papers must be privacy-focused, or closely related to privacy, and applicable to policymakers working in privacy and data protection.You will need to select whether your paper is a U.S. or international submission on the submission form. (if not selected, FPF will decide based on the content of the submission).
- Papers must have been completed, accepted, scheduled for publication, or published in the last 12 months.
- Papers must be submitted in English.
- Full paper (pdf, .doc, or .docx) or link to a publicly available download (e.g. SSRN).
- 1-page Executive Summary or Abstract (pdf, .doc, or .docx)
- For each Author: name; email; phone number; mailing address; and full job title or affiliation. Note: authors of selected papers will be asked for a headshot and 75-250 word biography.
- We welcome academic papers, book or book chapters, empirical research, or other longer-form analysis.
- Authors are encouraged to submit their own work, and/or may be nominated by others. There is no limit to the number of submissions.
How to Apply
- If you are submitting your own work please use this form to complete your submission on or before October 11, 2024. Now extended to October 18.
- If you are submitting the work of another person please use this form to complete your submission on or before October 11, 2024. Now extended to October 18.
The Review Process
- Submissions are evaluated based on: (1) Originality; (2) Applicability to policymaking; and (3) Overall quality of writing.
- Submissions will receive an initial ranking from a broad range of privacy field experts, including academics, privacy advocates, and Chief Privacy Officers on FPF’s Advisory Board.
- A panel of Judges will select winners to receive Future of Privacy Forum’s 15th Annual Privacy Papers for Policymakers.
The PPPM Student Paper Award
FPF is pleased to offer a paper award to students in undergraduate, graduate, and professional programs. Student submissions must follow the same guidelines as the general PPPM award and can be submitted through the above submission links where you will need to indicate that the author is a student. The deadline for student submissions is October 11, 2024.
We encourage you to share this opportunity with your peers and colleagues. If you have any questions, please contact us at [email protected].