FPF COPPA 2.0 Redline
On February 14, 2024, Senator Markey released an updated draft of the Children and Teens’ Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA 2.0) while also sharing that Senate Commerce Leadership now endorses it. On April 9, 2024, Reps Castor and Walberg introduced the COPPA 2.0 companion bill in the House.
COPPA 2.0 would amend the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA), initially passed in 1998, to provide protections for teens. As written, the draft of COPPA 2.0 includes instructions for inserting and deleting text within the existing law, making it challenging for stakeholders to understand the impacts of the proposed changes. FPF created this redlined comparison document between COPPA as it currently stands and the amendments proposed by COPPA 2.0 to contextualize the proposed amendments from the latest draft.