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Enhancing Usability for Online Privacy Controls
[…] you have. According to Google, a user can simply say, “Ok Google, show me my Google account,” and it takes take the user there. Finally, “find your phone” is a new feature that will help locate a phone that has been lost or stolen. Phones hold some of our most sensitive data: personal texts, […]

The CNIL released its inspection program for 2016 revealing sectors of focus
In 2016, the CNIL plans to conduct between 400 and 450 inspections. The total number of inspections will be divided in the following way: 25% of inspections will be related to the three themes set out in the CNIL’s 2016 annual program (detailed below) 20% will be based on complaints received by the CNIL […]

GAO Report – Information and Issues Regarding Surreptitious Tracking Apps
[…] CFAA provides criminal and civil remedies for accessing computers without, or in excess of, authority. However, this clear violation of CFAA may be hampered where a shared phone plan is involved. Third, the federal stalking statute contains specific prohibitions on using electronic communications services to stalk. The act itself previously required the stalking activity […]

Should Colleges Report When They Get Government Data Requests?
[…] transparent, you could impede on students’ individual rights,” she told NBC News. Sharing information that could be used to identify students would be a bad idea, Leong said, but simply divulging the number of requests received and granted by a university would be a step in the right direction. Read the full NBC News article.

Use of Limit Ad Tracking Drops as Ad Blocking Grows
Behind the scenes in the escalating war between ad-blocking consumers and advertisers and ad-supported publishers, the use of one privacy tool has decreased. Mobile marketing platform firm Tune reports that, as the number of ad-blocker downloads rises, the limit-ad-tracking feature available in iOS and Android devices has actually dropped.

Radio Interview – Lauren Smith, FPF Policy Counsel, Discusses the "Textalyzer"
Today, Lauren Smith, FPF Policy Counsel, joined The Takeaway to discuss the legal issues behind the “Textalyzer,” a technology that can tap into a driver’s phone, and whether or not it is the best deterrent to prevent texting and driving.

Google Provides Open Source Platform for Beacon Security
[…] owner’s awareness. In fact, they only transmit, never collect, data. And location tracking is possible ONLY if you have given that specific app permission to use your phone’s location functions, and if you have your Bluetooth access turned on. You can control this on your phone’s setting, and you can deny an app access […]

Student Privacy Pledge – Hits 250 with Launch of New Site!
[…] of education technology companies to lead in the responsible use of student data by signing the Student Privacy Pledge. We look forward to a continuing increase in the number of companies joining this effort and agreeing to be held publicly accountable to the safeguards embodied in the Pledge. Read the full text of the Student […]

Broadband Privacy and the FCC: Protect Consumers from Being Deceived and from Unfair Practices
[…] ISPs. Swire shows that some of the conventional wisdom which assumes that ISPs can access every bit of a consumer online activity is off base, as a number of factors limit the visibility ISPs have. Swire also shows that much of the data used by tracking and targeting companies is widely available via social […]

The FBI and the iPhone in Your Pocket
Consider the data on your iPhone for a moment. Emails, pictures, passwords, credit cards, location history, contacts and more. Imagine your phone unlocked in the hands of a criminal who snatched it, or someone who wanted to embarrass you who peeked at it, or a hacker who remotely accessed it. Today, if you have […]