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White House/MIT Big Data Privacy Workshop Recap
Speaking for everyone snowed-in in DC, White House Counselor John Podesta remarked that “big snow trumped big data,” while on the phone to open the first of the Obama Administration’s three big data and privacy workshops. This first workshop focused on advancing the “start of the art” in technology and practice. While these workshops are ultimately […]

A “Cutting-Edge” Guide to Privacy For Not-So-“Cutting-Edge” Phones
[…] for the most up-to-date versions of both Apple’s iPhone (running iOS 7) and Android (link Expired) (running 4.4 KitKat). But what if you’re using a slightly older phone that doesn’t run the new operating systems? In that case, this guide is for you. iPhone (or iPad) Check which version of the iOS you’re running […]

Apple Introduces New Privacy Features with iOS 7
[…] section. Users can also find the option to limit ad tracking in the Advertising section. Other Privacy Features Touch ID The new iPhone allows users to unlock the phone using a biometric fingerprint scanner. The phone does not store an image of the fingerprint, but instead stores a mathematical representation of your fingerprint. This information is stored only […]

Seeking Submissions for Privacy Papers for Policy Makers 2013
[…] data. FPF will work with authors of the selected papers to develop a digest. Our deadline for submissions is July 19, 2013. Please include the author’s full name, phone number, current postal address, and e-mail address. Please send submissions via e-mail to [email protected] with the subject line “Privacy Papers for Policy Makers 2013,” or send by mail […]

What's Scary About Big Data, and How to Confront It
[…] off the grid. With an “Internet of Things” ranging from our cars to our appliances, even to our carpets, retreating to our homes and turning off our phones will do little to stem the datafication tide. Transparency for transparency’s sake is meaningless. We need mechanisms to achieve transparency’s benefits. We need to encourage users […]

Domestic Drones Should Embrace Privacy by Design
[…] statement also calls for technology neutral policies. In other words, data collected from unmanned aircraft would be treated no differently from information uncovered from manned aircraft–or mobile phones. Additionally, while AUVSI has embraced limits on information collection, storage, use and sharing, it recommends enforcement via “established law and policy.” This might not be such […]

July 23, 2012 – 5% of Free Apps Use Ads That Can Take Over Your Phone and Pilfer Your Contact Info: Study Read, Mobile & Apps
[…] “there’s no such thing as a free lunch”, which warns us that things which appear to be free usually come with strings attached, can now be applied to free apps as well; in 5% of those apps at least, and the number is rising according to a recent study by Lookout, a mobile security firm.

Call for Papers: Policy Papers for Policy Makers 2012
[…] and will provide a printed digest to policy makers in the United States and abroad. SUBMISSION Paper Submission Deadline: July 20, 2012 Please include: author’s full name, phone number, current postal address and e-mail address. Send via e-mail to [email protected] with the subject line “Privacy Papers for Policy Makers 2012,” or send by mail […]

Mobile Payments: Why so Scary, America?
[…] the Federal Reserve revealed “perceptions of limited usefulness and concerns about security are holding back the adoption of mobile financial services,” with only 12 percent of mobile phone owners reporting that they made a mobile payment in the last year. Electronic wallets serve a multifunctional purpose on a device that can fully emulate physical […]

Privacy Papers for Policy Makers 2011
[…] and will provide a printed digest to policy makers in the United States and abroad. SUBMISSION Paper Submission Deadline: July 29, 2011 Please include: author’s full name, phone number, current postal address and e-mail address. Send via e-mail to [email protected] with the subject line “Privacy Papers for Policy Makers 2011,” or send by mail […]