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Invest in privacy professionals to reclaim trust
[…] will also cover Behavioral Advertising Secrets: What Your Marketing and IT Team Didn’t Think You Needed to Know. Both topics should be big draws for the expected 1500 attendees at the Summit! It’s this sort of event that advances our profession and helps privacy professionals work together to reclaim trust. Registration is open and […]

Christopher Wolf's Presentation to the Canada Council of Chief Privacy Officers

No More Spammy FaceBook Apps
Remember all those FaceBook Apps that would spam users or trick you into spamming your friends when you downloaded them? FaceBook cracked down on them long ago, pretty much puttting a stop to the egregious behaviors that were messing with the user experience. Of course, some application developers have sought to work around the […]

FaceBook Privacy
All FaceBook has a very useful set of tips for using all the key FaceBook privacy controls. Nick has really nailed the most important tips, so check it out!