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Invest in privacy professionals to reclaim trust
[…] will also cover Behavioral Advertising Secrets: What Your Marketing and IT Team Didn’t Think You Needed to Know. Both topics should be big draws for the expected 1500 attendees at the Summit! It’s this sort of event that advances our profession and helps privacy professionals work together to reclaim trust. Registration is open and […]

The Future of Privacy Forum Consumer Privacy Agenda for the New Administration
[…] firm privacy practice. Other important issues, such as those relating to civil liberties and law enforcement, government use of private-sector data, revisions to the Privacy Act of 1974, and other concerns have been raised by groups such as the Center for Democracy and Technology. We call those to your attention. We also call to […]

Online Privacy Decisions Confront Obama
Washington Post By Kim Hart January 13, 2009 Page D04 President-elect Barack Obama is about to face his first tests on consumer privacy, with questions about how much personal information Internet companies should be able to collect about consumers, how long they should keep that data, and whether they should use it to serve […]

The Future of Privacy Forum Consumer Privacy Agenda for the New Administration
[…] firm privacy practice. Other important issues, such as those relating to civil liberties and law enforcement, government use of private-sector data, revisions to the Privacy Act of 1974, and other concerns have been raised by groups such as the Center for Democracy and Technology. We call those to your attention. We also call to […]