53 Billion Euro in Savings Possible from Deployment of Smart Meters in the EU – If Utilities Control Your Power Usage.
The Brattle Group, a leading consultancy with a focus on the smart grid, recently issued a *report* (expiered) stating the following: “Quantifying and stressing the environmental benefits of dynamic tariffs, ensuring transparent and adequate financial rewards and offering customers a lower flat tariff in return for providing “automatic” demand response could help boost customer participation.” […]

More Advisory Board News…
FPF is honored to have an Advisory Board that includes some of the country’s leading luminaries on privacy issues. We are also honored to announce the addition of three more esteemed privacy experts: Michelle Dennedy, chief governance officer, cloud computing at Sun Microsystems. Ms. Dennedy is an expert in designing policies that foster trust in […]

The Unruly Advertising Ecosystem
Kudos to Harvard Asst professor Ben Edelman, for his latest expose of the underbelly of the online advertising environment. Edelman, an FPF Advisory Board member, has been a long time critic of ad networks or advertisers that don’t do enough to control where their ads are placed. At www.Benedelman.org, he has documented ads showing up […]

MSNBC's Red Tape Chronicles: What will talking power meters say about you?
What will talking power meters say about you? MSNBC’s Red Tape Chronicles By Bob Sullivan October 9, 2009 Would you sign up for a discount with your power company in exchange for surrendering control of your thermostat? What if it means that, one day, your auto insurance company will know that you regularly arrive home […]

An entertaining look at the anthropology of "ad network man"
We found this ClickZ article about ad network evolution both educational and amusing. Enjoy!

Future of Privacy Forum Letter to the Editor of the NYTimes: "Tracking Consumers Online: Make It Transparent"
The following piece was published on the New York Times website on October 8, 2009 Tracking Consumers Online: Make It Transparent To the Editor: Re “Tracked for Ads? Many Americans Say No Thanks” (Business Day, Sept. 30): As your article suggests, there’s little doubt that consumers will object to behavioral advertising when they feel it […]

Future of Privacy Forum Announces Partnership with The George Washington University Law School
Privacy Scholars to Partner with Think Tank to Focus on the Future of Privacy Law and Policy WASHINGTON, October 8, 2009 – The Washington-based think tank The Future of Privacy Forum (FPF) and The George Washington University Law School (GW Law) announce a unique partnership to advance programs focused on the future of privacy law […]

Next Steps on Smart Grid Privacy
Today, we filed comments with the Federal Communications Commission outlining recommendations to protect consumer privacy on the Smart Grid. Among our comments we stated: “Viable Smart Grid technologies will rely heavily on the collection, communication, and storage of data from electricity producers, consumers, and other participants in the energy ecosystem. Although this data can be […]

A deeper dive into behavioral advertising in Europe
As mentioned in a previous blog post, we had the pleasure of speaking with nugg.ad CEO Stephan Noller last week. Nugg.ad is the German company that has just been awarded the EuroPrise Privacy Seal. nugg.ad’s new behavioral targeting system, Predictive Targeting Networking (PTN) 2.0, received the seal favored by many EU regulators after a vetting […]

October 6 Future of Privacy Forum Teleconference
Talk of the town in privacy land this week was the survey/study released by our Advisory Board colleague Chris Hoofnagle, together with Joseph Turow and others at their institutions. New York Times coverage MediaPost The report shows that Americans have very strong feelings about tailored advertising and takes issue with the policy arguments business make […]