Persistent Opt-Out Cookies
Future of Privacy Forum Applauds Yahoo for Enhancing Consumer Control of Cookies FPF Co-Chairman and Director Jules Polonetsky today issued the following statement in reaction to Yahoo’s announcement that it would refresh the opt-out preferences of users across different computers and browsers, and re-set a new opt-out cookie if a user inadvertently deleted their opt-out […]

Christopher Wolf's Presentation to the Canada Council of Chief Privacy Officers
Christopher Wolf’s Presentation to the Canada Council of Chief Privacy Officers

BT: Privacy Peril Or Key To Web Prosperity?
BT: Privacy Peril or Key To Web Prosperity? Media Post By Mark Walsh February 27, 2009 If behavioral targeting is the key to providing Web users with advertising that’s better tailored to their particular needs and interests–instead of banner ads that they ignore–then what’s the harm to consumers? That was a central question tackled by […]

Future of Privacy Forum Applauds DHS Appointment of New Chief Privacy Officer
Jules Polonetsky, director of the Future of Privacy Forum (FPF), today made the following statement on the U.S. Department of Homeland Security appointment of Mary Ellen Callahan, as the department’s chief privacy officer: “Mary Ellen Callahan has the critical combination of privacy savvy, common sense and a strong backbone needed to help craft policy that […]

After search, ad-serving logfiles.
Last week the major search engines presented before the Article 29 Working Party of European data regulators. Brendon Lynch of Microsoft had this handy chart which gave an overview of how the companies handle search data. One thing I haven’t seen discussed is how companies are – or are not – handling the very tricky […]

Privacy and Personalization
Reaction to the FTC Staff Report: Self-Regulatory Principles for Online Behavioral Advertising Industry has been left with a very narrow window to prove that they can offer users both privacy and personalization. The guidelines proposed are both technically feasible and business practical, but do require businesses to do more to ensure that consumers are equal […]

No More Spammy FaceBook Apps
Remember all those FaceBook Apps that would spam users or trick you into spamming your friends when you downloaded them? FaceBook cracked down on them long ago, pretty much puttting a stop to the egregious behaviors that were messing with the user experience. Of course, some application developers have sought to work around the new […]