Showing results for fosi phone number 1500 919 925 fake 218 fake 913 fake fake 975 fake 656 fake 2270 fake 656 fake 2270 fake 656 fake 975 fake fake 975 fake fake 975 fake 656 fake 975 fake 656 fake 975 fake 656 fake 2270 fake 656 fake 975 fake fake 913 fake fake 975 fake 656 fake 975 fake fake 975 fake fake 913 fake fake 913 fake fake 975 fake 656 fake 2270 fake 656 fake 975 fake 656 fake 975 fake fake 913 fake fake 975 fake 656 fake 975 fake fake 975 fake fake 975 fake 656 fake 975 fake fake 975 fake 656 fake 975 fake 656 fake 2270 fake 656 fake 2270 fake 656 fake 975 fake fake 913 975 fosi phone number 20091204 1500 919 925 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.4 number 1500 919 925 fake 218 fake 913 fake 3 fake 975 fake 656 fake 2270 fake 656 fake 2270 fake 656 fake 975 fake 3 fake 975 fake 3 fake 975 fake 656 fake 975 fake 656 fake 975 fake 656 fake 2270 fake 656 fake 975 fake 3 fake 913 fake 3 fake 975 fake 656 fake 975 fake 3 fake 975 fake 3 fake 913 fake 3 fake 913 fake 3 fake 975 fake 656 fake 2270 fake 656 fake 975 fake 656 fake 975 fake 3 fake 913 fake 3 fake 975 fake 656 fake 975 fake 3 fake 975 fake 3 fake 975 fake 656 fake 975 fake 3 fake 975 fake 656 fake 975 fake 656 fake 2270 fake 656 fake 2270 fake 656 fake 975 fake 3 fake 913 number 20091204 1500 919 1500 919 925 218 913 975 656 2270 656 2270 656 975 975 975 656 975 656 975 656 2270 656 975 913 975 656 975 975 913 913 975 656 2270 656 975 656 975 913 975 656 975 975 975 656 975 975 656 975 656 2270 656 2270 656 975 913 975 20091204 1500 919 925

IAB Issues Best Practices for Social Ads
So-called “social ads” are those that display data and reflect actions taken by social network members. Recently, the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) released its “Social Advertising Best Practices”, , developed by a 151-company committee with 218 members including MySpace, Microsoft, Google, Facebook,, CBS, Accenture, PriceWaterhouseCoopers LLC, Condé Nast Digital, IDG Entertainment, and Nielsen Online.

Invest in privacy professionals to reclaim trust
[…] will also cover Behavioral Advertising Secrets: What Your Marketing and IT Team Didn’t Think You Needed to Know. Both topics should be big draws for the expected 1500 attendees at the Summit! It’s this sort of event that advances our profession and helps privacy professionals work together to reclaim trust. Registration is open and […]

Search Log Files – Ad Server Log Files
Microsoft has agreed with the Article 29 Working Party of EU data regulators that they will remove cookies and IP addresses from search data after 6 months, but only if Google and Yahoo also go along. We will comment further about this, but are already thinking about the next issue – ad server log file […]