Understanding Will Breed Trust…
Consumers need to understand more about what is being done online. The understanding will breed trust, and the trust will breed a more viable advertising solution. We agree with Jeff Hirsch, CEO of AudienceScience. But talk is cheap. Will industry really seek to deliver on user trust? We hope so but we also think that […]

"We just connect"
Steve Lohr’s “Bits” column in The NY Times today gave us a chuckle. A senior official at Adchemy, a privately held online marketing company, said this about his firm’s expertise in “statistical personalization”: “We don’t hold any data. We just connect to 30 or 40 data sources,” Mr.Nukala said. Businesses today should be seeking to […]

A privacy ombudsman for the smart grid?

Brits express privacy concerns with smart meters
http://web.archive.org/web/20091108150053/http://www.smartmeters.com:80/the-news/656-brits-express-privacy-concerns-with-smart-meters.html Update from the UK:The Department for Energy and Climate Change (DECC) expressed privacy concerns within its impact assessment, stating that there “is theoretically scope…for using the smart metering communications infrastructure to enable a variety of other services, such as monitoring of vulnerable householders by health authorities or social services.” “Information from smart meters could […]

Europe and Online Profiling…
The Council of Europe proposes rules for online profiling and wants your opinion. Learn more here!

53 Billion Euro in Savings Possible from Deployment of Smart Meters in the EU – If Utilities Control Your Power Usage.
The Brattle Group, a leading consultancy with a focus on the smart grid, recently issued a *report* (expiered) stating the following: “Quantifying and stressing the environmental benefits of dynamic tariffs, ensuring transparent and adequate financial rewards and offering customers a lower flat tariff in return for providing “automatic” demand response could help boost customer participation.” […]

More Advisory Board News…
FPF is honored to have an Advisory Board that includes some of the country’s leading luminaries on privacy issues. We are also honored to announce the addition of three more esteemed privacy experts: Michelle Dennedy, chief governance officer, cloud computing at Sun Microsystems. Ms. Dennedy is an expert in designing policies that foster trust in […]

The Unruly Advertising Ecosystem
Kudos to Harvard Asst professor Ben Edelman, for his latest expose of the underbelly of the online advertising environment. Edelman, an FPF Advisory Board member, has been a long time critic of ad networks or advertisers that don’t do enough to control where their ads are placed. At www.Benedelman.org, he has documented ads showing up […]

MSNBC's Red Tape Chronicles: What will talking power meters say about you?
What will talking power meters say about you? MSNBC’s Red Tape Chronicles By Bob Sullivan October 9, 2009 Would you sign up for a discount with your power company in exchange for surrendering control of your thermostat? What if it means that, one day, your auto insurance company will know that you regularly arrive home […]

An entertaining look at the anthropology of "ad network man"
We found this ClickZ article about ad network evolution both educational and amusing. Enjoy!