FPF Senior Fellow Peter Swire: FTC Deserves Praise for Its De-Identification “Safe Harbor”
Surprisingly to most observers, one of the biggest effects of the new FTC report will be in the area of de-identified data. The FTC’s new approach, highlighted by them as the top issue of interest to techies, provides a major incentive for companies to improve their data processes. The earlier report would have applied to […]

FPF Responds to FTC Release of Final Privacy Framework Report
Please see below for FPF’s comments on today’s release of the FTC Final Privacy Framework Report. Today’s report follows a preliminary staff report that the FTC issued in December 2010. Jules Polonetsky, Director and Co-Chair of the Future of Privacy Forum: “Although the FTC calls for legislation, the focus of the report is a strong […]

Georgetown Hosts Lawful Access to the Cloud Seminar
On Tuesday, Georgetown’s Law School hosted a Seminar titled “Lawful Access to the Cloud.” The seminar’s panelists grappled with how to find the right balance between civil liberties and legitimate law enforcement needs to access data in the cloud;. The morning’s first panel focused on lawful access to data in the U.S., and the second […]