FPF Training Program:
Automated Decision-Making Under the GDPR

Nov. 9 | 17:00-18:30 CET, 11AM-12:30PM ET


FPF’s Training Program provides an in-depth understanding of today’s most pressing privacy and data protection topics. FPF staff experts design the sessions for professionals who develop policies for their organizations, work with clients on complex privacy issues, or those interested in emerging privacy topics.

The implementation of Automated Decision-Making systems is increasingly part of everyday life, and their use is omnipresent. On May 17, the Future of Privacy Forum launched a comprehensive Report analyzing case law under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) applied to real-life cases involving Automated Decision-Making (ADM). The Report is informed by extensive research covering more than 70 Court judgments, decisions from Data Protection Authorities (DPAs), specific Guidance and other policy documents issued by regulators.

What you will learn:

  • You will understand how critical elements of Article 22 GDPR are being interpreted (“solely” automated, and “legal or similarly significant effects”);
  • You will explore how DPAs perceive controllers’ transparency obligations and how broad is the reading of the fairness principle to avoid situations of discrimination;
  • You will find out whether the conditions for valid consent in cases of profiling and ADM are strict;
  • You will see what DPAs expect from controllers in cases of automated decisions that do not trigger Article 22 GDPR.

Please note the session start time is CET timezone: 17:00-18:30 CET; 11AM-12:30PM ET

After completing each training course, you will receive a digital badge from Credly that can be shared on your professional network as a mark of the skills you’ve acquired.

Government/Non-Profit Rate
FPF Member Rate
Non-Member Rate

Cancellation Policy

Cancellations will be honored, minus our vendor’s processing fee, up to 3 days prior to the session. For cancellations after that date, we will honor the registration for the next scheduled date of this session or an alternate FPF training class.

FPF Faculty

Dr. Rob van Eijk

Managing Director for Europe, Future of Privacy Forum

Rob van Eijk serves as the Future of Privacy Forum’s Managing Director for Europe. In this role, van Eijk implements FPF’s agenda in Europe, overseeing its day-to-day operations, and managing relationships with stakeholders in the industry, government, academia, and civil society. Read his full bio.

Christina Michelakaki

Policy Fellow for Global Privacy, Future of Privacy Forum

Christina Michelakaki is a Policy Fellow for Global Privacy at the Future of Privacy Forum (FPF). She is following global trends in data protection and privacy laws around the world but also focuses on European and national case law, recent academic research, guidelines, and decisions from the European Data Protection Board and national Data Protection Authorities. Read her full bio.