Rob van Eijk

Managing Director for Europe

> About > Staff > Rob van Eijk

Dr. Rob van Eijk serves as the Future of Privacy Forum’s Managing Director for Europe. In this role, van Eijk implements FPF’s agenda in Europe. He oversees its day-to-day operations. He built and manages a small team in the Brussels office and manages relationships with stakeholders.

Prior to serving in this position, van Eijk worked at the Dutch Data Protection Authority (DPA) as Senior Supervision Officer and (Lead) Technologist for nearly 10 years. He represented the Dutch DPA in international meetings such as the Technology Expert group of the European Data Protection Board (EDPB) and twice as a technical expert in court (ECLI:NL:RBDHA:2016:14088). He also represented all European Data Protection Authorities, assembled as the Article 29 Working Party (WP29), in major multi-stakeholder negotiations concerning digital privacy standards.

His background is rooted in technology: he earned a B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering, an M.Sc. from the Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science and a Ph.D. from Leiden Law School , where he delved into online advertising, how browsers work, and real-time bidding. From 2021 to 2023, van Eijk expanded his horizons as a guest professor at Leiden University, sharing his insights on Explainable AI at the Leiden Centre of Data Science and contributing to the Leiden Legal Technologies Program.

Learn more about Rob’s work by reading Rob van Eijk Discusses Trends in European Privacy Discussions. Occasionally, you can find him on Mastodon or LinkedIn.

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Posts by Rob

ETSI’s consumer IoT cybersecurity ‘conformance assessments’: parallels with the AI Act
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Crumbling cookie
“Are crumbles all that remains of the cookies?” A conversation on the future of ad tech at the Nordic Privacy Arena 2021
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screen shot 2021 08 23 at 1.34.49 pm
Event Report: From “Consent-Centric” Frameworks to Responsible Data Practices and Privacy Accountability in Asia Pacific
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