Dr. Rob van Eijk serves as the Future of Privacy Forum’s Managing Director for Europe. In this role, van Eijk implements FPF’s agenda in Europe. He oversees its day-to-day operations. He built and manages a small team in the Brussels office and manages relationships with stakeholders.
Prior to serving in this position, van Eijk worked at the Dutch Data Protection Authority (DPA) as Senior Supervision Officer and (Lead) Technologist for nearly 10 years. He represented the Dutch DPA in international meetings such as the Technology Expert group of the European Data Protection Board (EDPB) and twice as a technical expert in court (ECLI:NL:RBDHA:2016:14088). He also represented all European Data Protection Authorities, assembled as the Article 29 Working Party (WP29), in major multi-stakeholder negotiations concerning digital privacy standards.
His background is rooted in technology: he earned a B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering, an M.Sc. from the Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science and a Ph.D. from Leiden Law School , where he delved into online advertising, how browsers work, and real-time bidding. From 2021 to 2023, van Eijk expanded his horizons as a guest professor at Leiden University, sharing his insights on Explainable AI at the Leiden Centre of Data Science and contributing to the Leiden Legal Technologies Program.
Current Affairs on Radio and TV
- Bouwma R. (2022). Ad fraud is billion dollar industry (in Dutch). In: Nieuwsuur. Hilversum: NOS-NTR Dutch Public Broadcast Services. [23m37s – 30m42s]
- Bruin E. de, (2021). Personal Health Apps (in Dutch). In: Max Meldpunt, Hilversum: Omroep Max. (11m28s – 25m06s).
- Galan M. de & Lemoine N. (2021). EU Digital Green Certificate (in Dutch). In: Nieuwsuur. Hilversum: NOS-NTR Dutch Public Broadcast Services. (00m00s – 13m35s).
- Schellevis J. & Trehy J. (2019). Meer en meer bedrijven kijken mee terwijl jij surft. In: NOS Radio 1 Journaal. Hilversum: NOS Dutch public broadcast services.
- Werven B. van (2019). De ochtendspits. In: BNR Nieuwsradio. Amsterdam: FD Media Group.
- Eijk R. van (2023). Addressing bias in AI systems: A holistic approach to detection, reporting, and mitigation.
- Eijk R. van (2023). Microtargeting: On the critical connection between ethics and ad-tech
- Lebowsky J., Sweeney S., & Grossman W.M. (2023). Rob van Eijk: Hyper-nudging. In: Plutopia News Network. Austin, TX: Plutopia News Network.
- Royal K. & Breitbarth P. (2021). Predictions, Worries, and Wisdom from IAPP Brussel. In: Serious Privacy. Brussels: TrustArc.
- Carson A. (2019). The inside scoop on the future of online advertising. In: The Privacy Advisor Podcast. Washington, DC: : International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP).
Quote in magazine/newspaper
- Barnett K. (2024). Adland on alert as LinkedIn & Pinterest come under legal fire for ad tracking practices. In: The Drum. London: Carnyx Group Limited.
- Barnett K. (2024). X’s ad policies & pay-to-play blue checks face probe; experts see more EU crackdown ahead. In: The Drum. London: Carnyx Group Limited.
- Timmerman S. (2024). A more digital Europe introducing Digital Passports. In: SVJ Media – International Journalism. Utrecht: School voor Journalistiek (SvJ).
- Bosboom A. (2023). Politieke partijen onder vuur wegens privacywet overtredingen. In: Actuma. Eexterveen: Foresttree Marketing Solutions.
- Brommersma S. & Janssen G. (2023). Je meest intieme data gaan naar de hoogste bieder, en dat kan een spion zijn. Amsterdam: Follow the Money.
- Jack J. (2023). Parties are breaching the Cookie Law by placing tracking cookies. In: The Nation View.
- Marilyn (2023). Parties violate cookie law by placing tracking cookies. In: The Netherlands Posts English.
- Mous A. (2023). Politieke partijen overtreden privacywet met tracking cookies. In: VPNGids. Nijmegen: VPNGids.nl.
- n.d. (2023). 荷兰多个政党利用跟踪cookie,违反隐私法 . In: GoGoDutch. Rotterdam: GoGoDutch BV.
- n.d. (2023). Partijen overtreden cookiewet met plaatsen volgcookies. In: aboutict. Amsterdam: AboutPublishers.
- n.d. (2023). Partijen overtreden cookiewet met plaatsen volgcookies. In: Dagblad010. Barendrecht: Digitaal Dagblad B.V. / René Dons.
- n.d. (2023). Partijen overtreden cookiewet met plaatsen volgcookies. In: Emerce. Haarlem: Emerce.
- n.d. (2023). Partijen overtreden cookiewet met plaatsen volgcookies. In: Reformatorisch Dagblad. Apeldoorn: Reformatorisch Dagblad. [Print edition, 8 Nov 2023, p. 6]
- n.d. (2023). Political parties violating privacy law with tracking cookies. In: NL Times.. Amsterdam: 3120 Media.
- n.d. (2023). Politieke partijen overtreden privacywet met tracking cookies. In: PONT | Data & Privacy. Amsterdam: Berghauser Pont Mediagroep.
- n.d. (2023). Politieke partijen overtreden privacywet met plaatsen volgcookies. In: Telecompaper. Houten: Telecom.paper BV.
- n.d. (2023). Websites van politieke partijen gebruiken illegale volgcookies. In: BNNVARA. Hilversum: Omroepvereniging BNNVARA.
- Schellevis J. (2023). Partijen overtreden cookiewet met plaatsen volgcookies. Hilversum: NOS Dutch public broadcast services.
- Akkermans I. (2022). Q&A expert online advertenties Rob van Eijk: ‘We komen nooit van online advertentiefraude af’. In: De Jurist. Amsterdam: FD Mediagroep.
- Bouwma R. (2022). ‘Tientallen miljarden gaan in rook op door online advertentiefraude.’ Hilversum: NOS Dutch public broadcast services.
- Manacourt V. & Kayali L. (2022). US-EU data transfers on life support after French Google decision. In: POLITICO Pro. Brussels: Politico.
- Olsthoorn P. (2022). Operatie geslaagd, patiënt overleden: Hoe VoetbalTV botste met de AP. In Netkwesties Magazine over maatschappij en internet. Netkwesties.nl.
- Swift M. (2020). Companies deploying AI must consider accountability, transparency in deploying algorithms, experts say. In: MLex. Washington, DC: MLex.
- Akinla A., Gulley A., Selvakumar K. & Tilsiter Z. (2021). Encryption: Pros and Cons. London: University College London Department of Science, Technology, Engineering and Public Policy (STEaPP), Geneva: Internet Society.
- Bogosavac N. (2021). Met Googles afscheid van tracking cookies verandert voor consument weinig. Hilversum: NOS Dutch public broadcast services.
- Broeders R. (2021). Rotterdam stimuleert esports maar kan privacy van kinderen niet genoeg beschermen. In: Vers Beton. Rotterdam: Stichting Vers Beton.
- Budding A. (2021). Vrijdag in Meldpunt: Is de nieuwe gezondheidsapp PGO wel veilig? In: MedicalFacts.nl. Oss: Stichting MedicalFacts.
- Galan M. de & Lemoine N. (2021). Brussel wil coronareispas, maar wat je er straks echt mee kunt is nog de vraag (Brussels wants corona travel pass, but what you can really do with it remains to be seen). In: Nieuwsuur. Hilversum: NOS-NTR Dutch public broadcast services.
- Manacourt V. (2021). Dutch DPA gets boost. In: POLITICO Pro Cyber Insights. Brussels: Politico.
- n.d. (2021). Future of Privacy Forum Launches Asia-Pacific Region Office, Global Data Protection Expert Clarisse Girot Leads Team. Washington: Targeted News Service LLC.
- n.d. (2021). Zijn de nieuwe medische PGO-apps veilig? Hilversum: Max Meldpunt, Omroep Max.
- Alarcon N. (2020). En la guerra contra el coronavirus, Europa está perdiendo la batalla de la privacidad. In: El Confidencial. Madrid: Titania Compañía Editorial, S. L.
- Chadwick L. (2020). Will microchip implants be the next big thing in Europe? In: Euronews. Lyon: Euronews.
- Drozdiak N. (2020). Creepy Technologies Invade European Post-Pandemic Workplaces. In: Bloomberg. London: Bloomberg.
- Fouquet H. & Drozdiak N. (2020). What will the post-pandemic workplace look like? Europe offers a creepy glimpse. In: Fortune. New York, NY: Fortune.
- Hofmans T. (2020). E-privacyverordening biedt meer helderheid over cookiewalls. In: Tweakers. Amsterdam: Tweakers.
- Knoke F. (2020). Endzeit für das Tracking. Was kommt nach der CookieCapolypse? In: CHIP Plus. München: CHIP Communications. Vol. 12-2020.
- Manacourt V. (2020). Data retention. Judges put the ‘EU’ back in data retention. In: POLITICO Pro Cyber Insights. Brussels: Politico.
- Manacourt V. (2020). Major ad company drops cookies. A switch by a Dutch firm to contextual advertising signals a shift away from the behavioral model that has dominated online advertising. In: Politico Pro. Brussels: Politico.
- Manacourt V. (2020). New ruling deals blow to Dutch regulator’s narrow GDPR interpretation. In: Politico Pro. Brussels: Politico.
- Manacourt V. (2020). The end of cookies In: POLITICO Pro Cyber Insights. Brussels: Politico.
- n.d. (2020). Surveillance and monitoring invade European post-pandemic workplaces. The Japan Times. Tokyo: The Japan Times.
- Perera D. (2020). Smartphone Covid-19 tracing provokes privacy concerns, questions about its utility. In: MLex. Brussel: MLex.
- Piersma J. & Pols M. (2020). Brussel wil miljoenen mensen gaan volgen via telecomdata tegen corona. In: Het Financieele Dagblad. Amsterdam: FD Mediagroep.
- Pinte J.P. (2020). Ces technologies inquiétantes qui ont envahi le monde du travail depuis la pandémie. In: Atlantico. Paris, France: Talmont Media.
- Standeford D. (2020). Compliance ‘Moving Target’. As GDPR Reaches 2nd Anniversary, Enforcement Resources an Issue. In: Washington Internet Daily and Communications Daily. Washington, DC: Warren Communications News.
- Schellevis J. (2020). Deskundigen zeer kritisch over zeven corona-apps: ‘Terug naar de tekentafel’. Hilversum: NOS Dutch public broadcast services.
- Wesseling A. (2020). Facebook op de pijnbank: ‘Gebruikers betaalden jarenlang ongevraagd met hun data’. In: De Jurist. Amsterdam: FD Mediagroep.
- Arnbak A. (2019). Parlementaire democratie grote verliezer door onmacht EU om online privacy te reguleren (Parliamentary democracy loses big due to EU powerlessness to regulate online privacy). In: Het Financieele Dagblad. Amsterdam: FD Mediagroep.
- Arnbak A. (2019). Privacywet AVG zal in toekomst belofte van megaboetes en massaclaims inlossen. In: Het Financieele Dagblad. Amsterdam: FD Mediagroep.
- Bongers V. (2019). A spider’s web of clicks. The internet’s hidden side is watching you. In: Leids Universitair Weekblad Mare. Leiden: Leiden University.
- Bongers V. (2019). Een spinnenweb van clicks. Hoe de achterkant van het internet ons in de gaten houdt. In: Leids Universitair Weekblad Mare. Leiden: Leiden University.
- Driesche F. van den (2019). PhD Candidate Robbert van Eijk measures privacy component in online advertising. Leiden: Leiden University.
- Immer-zaal P. (2019). Op de achtergrond kijken honderden bedrijven mee terwijl je surft. In: Welingelichte kringen. Epse: Welingelichte kringen.
- Jong S. (2019). Meer bedrijven kijken mee terwijl u surft. In: PlusOnline. Baarn: MediaPlus bv.
- Manacourt V. (2019). A new standard for data processing contracts, New templates could give small companies power to push back against larger firms. In: Politico Pro. Brussels: Politico.
- Moeliker R. (2019). Overdwars: Adverteerders op internet kijken graag met u mee. In: Nederlands Dagblad. Amersfoort: Nederlands Dagblad.
- n.d. (2019). Juristen en datahandelaren: AP te streng met uitleg privacywet. In: Security.NL. Den Haag: The Security Council B.V.
- n.d. (2019). Bodycams and trigger-happy cowboys. In: Leids Universitair Weekblad Mare. Leiden: Leiden University.
- n.d. (2019). Op de achtergrond kijken honderden bedrijven mee terwijl je surft. In: PrivacyNieuws.nl. Utrecht: Burgerrechtenvereniging Vrijbit.
- Piersma J. & Pols M. (2019). Toezichthouder gaat te ver met uitleg privacywet. In: Het Financieele Dagblad. Amsterdam: FD Mediagroep.
- Schellevis J. (2019). Meer en meer bedrijven kijken mee terwijl jij surft. Hilversum: NOS Dutch public broadcast services.
- Vegelien S. (2019). Zo ziet de veiling achter een cookiemelding eruit. Hilversum: NOS OP3 Dutch public broadcast services.
- Wijnen J.F (2019). Android-telefoons lekken massaal persoonlijke data zonder toestemming. In: Het Financieele Dagblad. Amsterdam: FD Mediagroep.