Yahoo launches a mobile behavioral opt-out
Kudos to Yahoo for being among the first to offer a mobile behavioral advertising opt-out. Check out
The FTC was clear in its behavioral advertising guidance that consumers should be entitled to opt-out of behavioral ads, regardless of the platform involved. It is great to see Yahoo take the lead here on behalf of mobile users, as they have done on the Web by adopting standards to quickly anonymize user data. I am aware of only two other mobile ad companies offering any sort of mobile opt-out – what are folks waiting for? We are putting together a list of companies doing mobile behavioral advertising, so that interested observers can be aware of developments in this area and can urge others on. If you are aware of companies offering a mobile opt-out, please comment below.
This Thursday, the Future of Privacy Forum and the Center for Democracy and Technology are hosting a working meeting with companies, industry groups, ad networks and browser companies to seek to advance efforts to improve the general opt-out process. Email [email protected] if you are a provider interested in this issue.