Christina Michelakaki was a Policy Counsel for Global Privacy at the Future of Privacy Forum (FPF). She followed global trends in data protection and privacy laws around the world but also focused on European and national case law, recent academic research, guidelines, and decisions from the European Data Protection Board and national Data Protection Authorities and actively monitored the activity of EU institutions around privacy and data protection, including Communications and Proposals of the European Commission and legislative reports from the European Parliament and the Council of the EU. She had conducted extensive research on Data Protection by Design and by Default and was one of the principal authors of an FPF Report pertaining to this matter. Her research interests also revolve around fundamental rights and Artificial Intelligence.
Christina has a legal background and holds an LL.M on Information Technology, Media & Communications Law from the London School of Economics (LSE) (2022, London), where she wrote her thesis on Automated decision-making and the “right to an explanation” under the GDPR. She is an EU qualified lawyer and a member of the Thessaloniki Bar Association in Greece.