Rise of the Drones
This morning, the Center for Strategic and International Studies presented a panel conversation on some of the challenges – and opportunities – around domestic drone use. After following the issue for …

Comparing the Data Broker Bill to the Consumer Privacy Bill of Rights
Considering the privacy concerns raised by data brokers, we thought it would be useful to compare how data brokers are treated under Senator Edward Markey’s recent data broker bill, which has considerable support from privacy and consumer advocates (as well as Senators Blumenthal, Franken, and Whitehouse), and under the Consumer Privacy Bill of Rights. The different receptions […]

What Privacy Papers Should Policymakers Be Reading?
Each year, FPF invites privacy scholars and authors interested in privacy questions to submit articles and papers to be considered by members of our Advisory Board, with an aim toward showcasing those articles that should inform any conversation about privacy among policymakers in Congress, as well as at the Federal Trade Commission and in other […]

Student Privacy Pledge Crosses Milestone with 100 Signatories
Media Contacts: FPF: Nicholas Graham, (571) 291-2967, [email protected] SIIA: Sabrina Eyob, (202) 789-4480, [email protected] PR Agency: Farrah Kim, (202) 568-8986, [email protected] STUDENT PRIVACY PLEDGE CROSSES MILESTONE WITH 100 SIGNATORIES Responsible Privacy Practices Affirmed by Growing Number of Ed-Tech Companies WASHINGTON, D.C. – Wednesday, February 4, 2015 – The Future of Privacy Forum […]

Travis LeBlanc on the FCC's New Privacy Role
At today’s FCBA brown bag lunch, FCC Enforcement Bureau Chief Travis LeBlanc discussed the Commission’s recent entrance into privacy enforcement and fielded questions as to what companies might do to avoid running afoul of the Enforcement Bureau. LeBlanc emphasized the innovation continues to outpace regulators, noting that much of the Commission’s investigative and enforcement work […]

Discussing the Merits of Device Encryption
In the wake of Apple and Google’s recent decision to implement “whole device encryption” on their latest mobile operating systems, the FBI has warned that the tech giants’ actions will force law enforcement to “go dark” when it comes to keeping tabs of criminals. FPF has previously explored the question of encryption and law enforcement access, […]

Device Encryption: Too Much Privacy for Consumers?
On December 3rd, FPF and IAPP will be hosting a conversation on device encryption in the wake of Apple and Google’s recent application of “whole device encryption” to their newest devices.What does this mean for consumers? What new protections are added? What impact does this have on hackers or others who may see to access […]

Public Perceptions on Privacy
Today’s new report by the Pew Research Center gives the lie to the notion that privacy is unimportant to the average American. Instead, the big take away is that individuals feel like they lack any control over their personal information. These feelings are directed at the public and private sector alike, and suggest a profound […]

Debating the FBI on Phone Encryption
FBI Director James Comey has heated up the encryption debate with his recent appearances on Sixty Minutes and at the Brookings Institution. Comey has sharply criticized Apple and Google for the companies’ announcements that they would enable strong encryption on their phones. In contrast to prior practice, the companies would no longer keep a key […]

Android 5.0, Lollipop: Major New Privacy Features
Earlier this month, Google announced the final release of Android 5.0 Lollipop, also known as Android L. Lollipop includes a number of valuable new privacy features worth special applause. Default Encryption New phones and tablets with Lollipop come with encryption automatically turned on to help protect data on lost or stolen devices or from […]