Regulating the Online Advertising Market: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow
Today, the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation held a hearing to examine the broad policy issues facing the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). Commissioners Pai, Clyburn, and O’Rielly outlined their priorities for the FCC, and answered questions about their proposed plans—including for the future of net neutrality and privacy of data collected online.

New Survey Finds Parents Support School Tech and Data, But Want Privacy Assurances
Washington, DC – Today, the Future of Privacy Forum (FPF) released a new survey, Beyond One Classroom: Parental Support for Technology and Data Use in Schools. The survey asked parents to comprehensively outline their goals and concerns about the use of technology and student data. Their answers, and the conclusions that can be drawn from them, should inform the debate regarding local, state, and national policies concerning K-12 education and data use.

Parents Support School Tech and Data, But Want Privacy Assurances: FPF 2016 Parent Survey
In 2015, the Future of Privacy Forum (FPF) set out to gain a better understanding of what public school parents actually know and want concerning the use of technology and collection of data in their children’s schools, as well as their perspectives on the benefits and risks of student data use within the educational system.

Study: Mobile ad block use up, but fewer users turning limit ad tracking on
According to Jules Polonetsky, CEO of the Future of Privacy Forum, the limit ad tracking feature hasn’t been heavily surveyed. So while Koestier’s comment might be comforting for marketers, this means it’s possible that most mobile users are simply unaware the feature exists.

Altimeter Offers Up Privacy Lessons for IoT
A new report today from Altimeter explores what brands can learn about consumer privacy perceptions in the booming Internet of Things. The group warns of the “massive gulf between consumer awareness and industry practices when it comes to practice,” and suggests that companies could respond to consumer anxiety by pursing more trusted customer relationships. At […]

Moving the Internet of Things Forward Without Hard Numbers on Risks
Today’s release of the FTC’s long-awaited report on the Internet of Things concludes that connected devices are “likely to meld the virtual and physical worlds together in ways that are currently difficult to comprehend.” It’s this great unknown where it seems many of the revolutionary benefits and more abstract risks from connectivity lie. While the […]

Beacons in Airports Provide Information for Travelers
Readers know we support responsible beacon technology practices. Today’s story illustrates how airports can provide real-time updates about travel plans, accommodations, and flights to travelers …

What consumers and companies can learn from 2014’s privacy breaches
Earlier this week, FPF’s Kelsey Finch spoke to Red Herring about 2015’s biggest challenges, and how enterprise and consumer technology can come together to combat privacy issues. Q: What have been 2014’s biggest privacy problems, in your opinion? Do you see them being fixed any time soon? A: Throughout 2014, we learned how vulnerable our personal […]

The Connected Car and Privacy: Navigating New Data Issues
Each model year brings cars that are getting smarter and more connected, offering new safety features and consumer conveniences. By the end of the decade, one in five vehicles on the road will be …

Polonetsky: Trust, transparency best in-store deal for shoppers with mobile phones
“Mall operators and retailers can ensure that they use consumer data in a trustworthy manner by making sure they do business with companies who have committed to baseline rules for responsible data use.“ [via RetailingToday]