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Mobile Payments: Why so Scary, America?
[…] the Federal Reserve revealed “perceptions of limited usefulness and concerns about security are holding back the adoption of mobile financial services,” with only 12 percent of mobile phone owners reporting that they made a mobile payment in the last year. Electronic wallets serve a multifunctional purpose on a device that can fully emulate physical […]

Privacy Papers for Policy Makers 2011
[…] and will provide a printed digest to policy makers in the United States and abroad. SUBMISSION Paper Submission Deadline: July 29, 2011 Please include: author’s full name, phone number, current postal address and e-mail address. Send via e-mail to [email protected] with the subject line “Privacy Papers for Policy Makers 2011,” or send by mail […]

FPF Response to New York Times Editorial on Privacy Legislation
[…] web browsing. It hard to imagine an equally effective legal prescription. “Do Not Track” sounds deceptively similar to “Do Not Call,” the very effective law where registering phone numbers stops commercial solicitations by phone. The similarity ends with the nomenclature. It is not easy, and may be impossible, to craft a law that encompasses […]

"Do Not Track" – Update
[…] place this week, including the FPF program on Wednesday, and provides some background on recent developments. To further brief those of you attending in person or by phone, we thought it would be useful to provide an overview that captures the incredible flurry of advances in this area. Although there are improvements that are […]

Privacy Papers for Policy Makers
[…] an event in September, and provide a bound compilation to policy makers in the United States and abroad. SUBMISSION Paper Submission Deadline: July 15 Please include: author’s full name, phone number, current postal address and e-mail address. Send via e-mail to [email protected], or send by mail to: Future of Privacy Forum 919 18th Street, NW, Suite 925 Washington, […]

The Future of Privacy Forum Announces New Publication: “Privacy Papers for Policy Makers: The Future of Privacy Forum Annual Review”
[…] Papers Project” or sent by mail to Future of Privacy Forum, 919 18th Street, NW, Suite 925 Washington, DC 20006. Entries should include the author’s full name, phone number, current postal address, and email address. The entry can provide a link to a published paper or a draft paper that has a publication date. […]

Ubiquitous Biometrics
[…] others use fingerprints, all to minimize exam fraud, which results in fraud in the admission process. A bank in Australia is using voice authentication biometrics for some phone banking and banks in Japan are using palm vein systems at ATMs. One system, BioLock, offers a fingerprint systems that can literally protect every mouse click […]