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Discussing the Merits of Device Encryption
[…] about encryption now?” Stepanovich mused. “Computers have had default encryption on hard drives for many years without anyone raising an eyebrow, but now because it’s on a phone it’s different?” She argued that the current debate is inexorably tied to concerns about surveillance in the wake of the Snowden revelations. “The conversation we’re having […]

Device Encryption: Too Much Privacy for Consumers?
[…] mean for consumers? What new protections are added? What impact does this have on hackers or others who may see to access the data on a cell phone? What does it mean for law enforcement? After an introduction by Jules Polonetsky, Christopher Wolf will moderate a discussion with: Amie Stepanovich, Senior Policy Counsel, Access Now […]

Public Perceptions on Privacy
[…] conversations about big data and civil rights. Aside from Social Security numbers, which 95% of respondents considered to be sensitive information, data ranging from health information and phone and email message content to location information and birth date could be viewed as sensitive depending upon the context. Depending upon context, everything is sensitive or […]

Debating the FBI on Phone Encryption
[…] on Sixty Minutes and at the Brookings Institution. Comey has sharply criticized Apple and Google for the companies’ announcements that they would enable strong encryption on their phones. In contrast to prior practice, the companies would no longer keep a key to gain access to the encrypted content. I applaud the companies’ announcements, which […]

Android 5.0, Lollipop: Major New Privacy Features
[…] Play Store. Screen Pinning Have you ever shown someone a photo, and then watched in a panic as they kept swiping to see other photos on your phone? Screen pinning comes in handy when you have a friend or family member who you want to show something on your phone without letting them see […]

Beacons Help Blind Travelers Navigate Airport
[…] terminal. Each beacon broadcasts signals using Bluetooth low energy. If a user downloads the app onto his or her smartphone, the beacon signals can connect to the phone and push notifications with information to the phone when a user gets within range of each beacon. For the blind or visually impaired, the mobile phone […]

Google Taps the YubiKey for Better Account Security
[…] authentication can be cumbersome and inconvenient. Every time one logs into a different account on a different machine, a code has to be retrieved from a mobile phone. Lose the phone, and you have to hope you have a set of paper-based fallback authentication codes. Enter the physical security key. Yubico’s new “YubiKey” physical […]

"Databuse" as the Future of Privacy?
[…] that privacy law on the consumer side is vague and amorphous, and largely “amounts to don’t be deceptive and don’t be unfair.” Part of the challenge, as number privacy scholars have noted, is that privacy encompasses a range of different social values and policy judgments. “We don’t agree what value we’re protecting,” Wittes said, […]

Do Beacons Track You? No, You Track Beacons
BuzzFeed News today reports that phone booths in NYC are tracking people and can send them ads. Let’s explain this rapidly spreading new technology we often see described inaccurately. First, let’s step back and understand how your phone or apps on your phone that you grant permission to access your location are able […]

FTC Wants Tools to Increase Transparency and Trust in Big Data
[…] Big Data could be used as tool to exclude or include. Everyone in the civil rights community agreed that data could be a good thing, and a number of examples were put forth to suggest once more that data had the potential to be used for good or for ill. Pam Dixon of the […]