What Privacy Papers Should Policymakers Be Reading?
Each year, FPF invites privacy scholars and authors interested in privacy questions to submit articles and papers to be considered by members of our Advisory Board, with an aim toward showcasing those articles that should inform any conversation about privacy among policymakers in Congress, as well as at the Federal Trade Commission and in other […]

The Student Privacy Pledge and Security
We know it is critical for ed tech companies to get security right. The Student Privacy Pledge developed by FPF and SIIA requires signatories to maintain “a comprehensive security program that is reasonably designed to protect the security . . . of personal student information . . . appropriate to the sensitivity of the information.” […]

White House Return to Big Data Focuses on Price Discrimination
Today, the White House released an interim progress report detailing the Administration’s efforts on privacy in big data since its landmark report last spring. The update highlights the President’s recent calls for new privacy legislation, including efforts on student privacy and the Consumer Privacy Bill of Rights, and also calls for deeper understanding of differential […]

Student Privacy Pledge Crosses Milestone with 100 Signatories
Media Contacts: FPF: Nicholas Graham, (571) 291-2967, [email protected] SIIA: Sabrina Eyob, (202) 789-4480, [email protected] PR Agency: Farrah Kim, (202) 568-8986, [email protected] STUDENT PRIVACY PLEDGE CROSSES MILESTONE WITH 100 SIGNATORIES Responsible Privacy Practices Affirmed by Growing Number of Ed-Tech Companies WASHINGTON, D.C. – Wednesday, February 4, 2015 – The Future of Privacy Forum […]

Moving the Internet of Things Forward Without Hard Numbers on Risks
Today’s release of the FTC’s long-awaited report on the Internet of Things concludes that connected devices are “likely to meld the virtual and physical worlds together in ways that are currently difficult to comprehend.” It’s this great unknown where it seems many of the revolutionary benefits and more abstract risks from connectivity lie. While the […]

FPF Statement on FTC Internet of Things Report
The Report, which appropriately does not call for IoT specific legislation, reflects the fact that the Internet of Things is in its infancy, and strongly supports context as a way to assess appropriate uses. The staff recognized concerns that a notice and choice approach could restrict unexpected new uses of data with potential societal benefits. They sensibly incorporated […]

Student Privacy Boot Camp for Ed Tech Companies
The Future of Privacy Forum – which recently spearheaded the White House-endorsed “Student Privacy Pledge” with SIIA – has now partnered with ReThink Education to present a new and timely “Student Privacy Boot Camp” for ed tech companies. The goal of the training program is to gather ed tech companies – startups, small- and medium-sized companies […]

Student Privacy Pledge Hits 90 Signers!
We are pleased to announce that as of today, additional signatories to the FPF/SIIA Student Privacy Pledge include Aegis Identity, Agency for Student Health Research, Avepoint, besimpler, CPSI Ltd., Google, Khan Academy, Kidhoo, makkajai, MMS, National Student Clearinghouse, Navvie, Ripple Effects, Student Lap Tracker, and Tools4Ever.

Beacons in Airports Provide Information for Travelers
Readers know we support responsible beacon technology practices. Today’s story illustrates how airports can provide real-time updates about travel plans, accommodations, and flights to travelers …

President Obama Backs FPF-SIIA Student Privacy Pledge
President Obama today strongly endorsed the Student Privacy Pledge, calling for more companies to make a firm commitment to using student data only …