The Connected Car and Privacy: Navigating New Data Issues
Each model year brings cars that are getting smarter and more connected, offering new safety features and consumer conveniences. By the end of the decade, one in five vehicles on the road will be …

Amend the U.S. Privacy Act to Provide Further Privacy Protections to European and Other Non-US Persons
I had the pleasure of participating recently at a Georgetown Law Center conference called “Privacy Act @40.” My panel was on “Looking Ahead,” and my comments focused on new ways that the United States is (and can) extend appropriate privacy rights to citizens of other countries. Today, just a couple of weeks later, Google has […]

Public Perceptions on Privacy
Today’s new report by the Pew Research Center gives the lie to the notion that privacy is unimportant to the average American. Instead, the big take away is that individuals feel like they lack any control over their personal information. These feelings are directed at the public and private sector alike, and suggest a profound […]

Debating the FBI on Phone Encryption
FBI Director James Comey has heated up the encryption debate with his recent appearances on Sixty Minutes and at the Brookings Institution. Comey has sharply criticized Apple and Google for the companies’ announcements that they would enable strong encryption on their phones. In contrast to prior practice, the companies would no longer keep a key […]

Student Privacy Pledge – Learn More!
SIIA/FPF Webinar: Responding to Student Privacy Concerns Does your company collect or maintain personal student data? Are you looking for a set of guidelines you can adopt to demonstrate your adherence to data privacy best practices? On October 7, more than a dozen leading K-12 school service providers announced their signing of a pledge to […]

Cameron Kerry Queries Whether Law Enforcement Is Really "Going Dark"
Writing in Forbes today, Cam Kerry, formerly of the Department of Commerce and a member of the FPF Advisory Board, discusses some of the challenges facing law enforcement as technology continues to race past the law. In recent weeks, FBI Director James Comey has criticized tech companies like Apple and Google for embracing stronger levels of encryption, […]

Jules Polonetsky Statement Following Home Depot Announcement
Today, The Home Depot released new findings from its investigation of the company’s recent payment data breach. Jules Polonetsky, Executive Director of the Future of Privacy Forum, had the following statement: More important than legal compliance after a breach is a company’s efforts to make sure that consumer concerns are addressed. It’s great to see […]

"Big Data: Putting Heat on the Hate" by Chris Wolf and Jules Polonetsky
Today, Re/code ran an essay by Chris Wolf and Jules Polonetsky, marking the five year signing of the Hate Crimes Prevention Act. The two discussed big data’s ability to put the “heat on hate,” concluding that while “[t]hese are still the early days of development for big data and civil rights . . . it is becoming […]

Android 5.0, Lollipop: Major New Privacy Features
Earlier this month, Google announced the final release of Android 5.0 Lollipop, also known as Android L. Lollipop includes a number of valuable new privacy features worth special applause. Default Encryption New phones and tablets with Lollipop come with encryption automatically turned on to help protect data on lost or stolen devices or from […]

Big Data: Catalyst for a Privacy Change
Joseph Jerome discusses the rise of big data and the role of privacy in both the Fourth Amendment and consumer contexts, and argues that the future of privacy will have the be built upon a …