FPF Commends Yahoo Privacy Announcement
The Future of Privacy Forum (FPF) applauds the Yahoo! announcement today that the company has sharpened its privacy practices with a new global data retention policy. FPF Co-chair Jules Polonetsky called for such steps last week in his blog posting. We are delighted to see a great example of advancing privacy in a business practical […]

Marty Abrams
Congrats to Marty Abrams for being presented with the IAPP Vanguard Privacy Award. Marty has been an advisor to most of us in the privacy area and is a true thought leader. When I set up my first privacy advisory board about 9 years ago at DoubleClick, Marty was one of the people I turned […]

Search Log Files – Ad Server Log Files
Microsoft has agreed with the Article 29 Working Party of EU data regulators that they will remove cookies and IP addresses from search data after 6 months, but only if Google and Yahoo also go along. We will comment further about this, but are already thinking about the next issue – ad server log file […]

Pew on FaceBook Connect
Amanda Lenhart of Pew thinks FaceBook is off-base with plans for FaceBook Connect because of the complexity that will be added to the average user’s identity management desires. Perhaps we are extroverts, but we are optimistic that FaceBook will have done the work needed to make use of this extension of FaceBook into the rest […]

Online Shoppers Carry Web Retailers' Baggage
Online Shoppers Carry Web Retailers’ Baggage San Francisco Chronicle By Deborah Gage November 28, 2008 Online shoppers bring to the hunt a lot of baggage from retailers. People who shop online share lots of information about themselves, even when they’re not buying anything, said Jules Polonetsky, the former chief privacy officer at AOL who now […]

Reality Mining
Two must reads in today’s New York Times: The first, a story by John Markoff, explores the advances in “reality mining”, a term coined to capture the risks and opportunities of data-mining a full range of data about users, from location, to shopping, to online. It is hard to read this article, without understanding the […]

Where does your data go … before you even click

Use our data to buy us drinks!
Why do we think that right now, as 2009 approaches, there can be real progress on privacy? Because some of the most senior marketers in the industry are starting to sound like privacy advocates. Read this comment about advertising on social networks and then click here to see who said it! “I have a reaction […]

Hulu having success with opt-in ads
Hulu reports that giving users control over whether they see one long video ad or several short ones seems to be working well. Users don’t get a choice of viewing ads or not, but seem to welcome being able to decide the format of ads that they will see. Interesting to consider how ad networks […]

Fox 7 Austin Features Chris Wolf & the Future of Privacy Forum
Click here to watch the video of Austin’s Fox 7 featuring Chris Wolf and the Future of Privacy Forum.