iMedia Connection: Where do we draw the line on consumer profiling?
Increasingly, it is the leading members of the business community who are raising the most serious questions about online data use. Is it credible to claim that a user should feel anonymous when their offline data is pulled in to be used for online targeting? Read what a leading online marketer has to say.

IAB Issues Best Practices for Social Ads
So-called “social ads” are those that display data and reflect actions taken by social network members. Recently, the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) released its “Social Advertising Best Practices”, [LINK HERE], developed by a 151-company committee with 218 members including MySpace, Microsoft, Google, Facebook, SocialMedia.com, CBS, Accenture, PriceWaterhouseCoopers LLC, Condé Nast Digital, IDG Entertainment, and Nielsen Online.

Google's Andrew McLaughlin becomes Deputy CTO.
I have long admired Andrew as one of the most thoughful thinkers at the intersection of business, technology and policy. Good luck to him as he joins the Obama administration as deputy chief technology officer.

What would Supreme Court Nominee Sonia Sotomayor say about behavioral ads and consent?
The following is a guest post from one of our summer legal fellows, Noam Kutler of GWU School of Law. As many of you reading this blog are aware, FPF focuses a good deal of attention on the issue of online behavioral advertising and the need for greater consumer control and transparency.The FTC has issued […]

Privacy Packed Monday: CFP, CAP, Peter Swire
On Monday, June 1st Christopher Wolf and I will be presenting tutorials at Computers, Freedom and Privacy 2009. Christopher will be giving a presentation about Data Mining and I will be discussing profiling from online data. After that I will be rushing over to the Center for American Progress for the release of 3 key […]

Deloitte Event: The Future of Privacy & Data Security
Please be our guest… The Future of Privacy & Data Security: A Briefing on Related Legal Issues and Leading Practices Wednesday, June 3, 2009 5:00pm – 7:00pm Remarkable developments in privacy and data security law and business practices have already been seen in 2009 and more changes are on the horizon. Come, hear, and interact […]

Congrats to Ann Cavoukian on her re-appointment as Ontario Privacy Commissioner!
IPC – Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner/Ontario | Dr. Cavoukian reappointed as Information and Privacy Commissioner for an unprecedented third term: Blazes the trail with new priorities.

What are privacy professionals reading today?
They are reading Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor’s opinion regarding electronic privacy in Second Circuit case of LEVENTHAL v KNAPEK.

White House Open Government Dialogue launched – comment on cookies proposal.
Just got off conference call with Beth Noveck at the White House Office of Science and Tech Policy as they launched their new open dialogue site. It is pretty cool – check it out by reviewing and commenting on the FPF proposal on government use of cookies. Thumbs up or down?

Can WPP Demystify Behavioral Targeting?
Can WPP Demystify Behavioral Targeting? Media Post By Wendy Davis May 20, 2009 The think tank Future of Privacy Forum announced this week that it tapped ad agency WPP to come up with new ways of notifying Web users about online behavioral advertising. Director Jules Polonetsky hopes that advertising creatives will be able to come […]