Trans-Atlantic Policy Dialogue Hosted by FPF
On April 27th, the Future of Privacy Forum hosted a trans-Atlantic policy dialogue at Facebook’s headquarters in Menlo Park, CA. The participants included EU Data Protection Supervisor Peter Hustinx; Article 29 Working Party Chair Jacob Konstamm; Sjoera Nas from the Dutch Data Protection Authority; and Daniel Weitzner, the Deputy Chief Technology Officer in the White […]

Steven Beale
Steven Beale Steven Beale was a Policy Analyst at the Future of Privacy Forum. His work focused mainly on encryption, government access to data, and the smart grid. Prior to joining FPF, Steven worked on Intel Corporation’s Security and Privacy Policy team and also served for a year with AmeriCorps in St. Louis. He graduated […]

Joseph Jerome
Joseph Jerome is a policy counsel at Future of Privacy Forum. At FPF, Joseph’s issue portfolio focuses on big data and the Internet of Things, where he works on de-identification standards and educational privacy questions. He is interested in questions around transparency and accountability mechanisms in data use. Prior to joining FPF, Joseph served as a national law […]

Mobile Payments: Why so Scary, America?
Mobile payment systems are a relatively new technology that has sparked the interest of lawmakers, federal agencies, academics, and privacy advocates. The question they are all asking is why are Americans not taking advantage of a system that promises to significantly increase economic efficiency and convenience? When it comes to mobile payment systems, the United […]

Blumenthal and Bono Mack Discuss Privacy, Cybersecurity Legislation
Last Thursday morning, Politico Pro presented a briefing focused on cyberprivacy and cybersecurity. Participating in the discussion were Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-CT), Rep. Mary Bono Mack (R-CA), Dr. Thomas M. Lenard (President and Senior Fellow at the Technology Policy Institute), and Tim Sparanpani (Principal at SPQR Strategies, PLLC). The briefing began with a discussion of […]

PCLOB Nomination Hearing
Last Wednesday the Senate Judiciary Committee held a confirmation hearing for nominees to the Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board (PCLOB). The Board, created in response to the 9/11 Commission, is charged with making sure privacy and civil rights are protected for executive branch activities and measures. It consists of five members appointed by the […]

Swire Cybersecurity Op-Ed in The Hill
FPF Senior Fellow Peter Swire just published an op-ed in The Hill titled “Moving Too Fast on Cybersecurity.” In the piece, Swire cautioned against rushing cybersecurity legislation through Congress. To see the full op-ed, click here.