Member Levels and Benefits

> Member Levels and Benefits

FPF educates and consults with corporate leaders, policymakers, and other stakeholders on data use that is ethical and responsible. By advising on complex tech and legal issues, and ensuring stakeholders understand the potential trade-offs, FPF’s work has a real-world impact benefiting communities and societies globally.

FPF ensures a wide range of views and voices by bringing together diverse stakeholders through our network of supporters, ranging from corporations to foundations, to work through the complexities of our data-driven world. FPF is dedicated to providing independent and objective analysis and feedback to a wide range of corporations and organizations on issues that affect the world.

Guardian — $100,000 or more

Chair’s Council — $50,000

Advisory Board Member — $35,000

Supporter — $10,000

Activities benefiting FPF supporters include our privacy working groups (topics include Ad Tech, AI & Machine  Learning, B2B, Biometrics, Health & Genetic Data, Immersive Technologies, K-12, Mobility & Location, Open Banking, Privacy & Cybersecurity, Research & Ethics, US Legislation, and Youth Privacy) and an invitation to participate in the monthly Privacy Landscape Conference Call covering of-the-moment issues in privacy and data protection and developments on Capitol Hill, in federal regulatory agencies and at the state level.

Additional opportunity is offered to support and participate in FPF’s affiliate organization the Israel Tech Policy Institute. For details, please contact [email protected].