Chelsey Colbert

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Chelsey Colbert served as Policy Counsel at the Future of Privacy Forum, where she led FPF’s portfolio on mobility and location data, including connected and automated vehicles, ride-sharing, micro-mobility, drones, delivery robots, and mobility data sharing.

Prior to FPF, Chelsey was an associate at an international business law firm in Canada and was on an off-site work assignment as in-house privacy and data governance counsel to Sidewalk Labs, an Alphabet company that designs and builds urban innovations to help cities meet their biggest challenges. Chelsey holds a J.D. with a major in technology law and policy from the University of Ottawa and a CIPP-US certification.

Posts by Chelsey

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UPDATE: China’s Car Privacy and Security Regulation is Effective on October 1, 2021
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ITPI Event Recap – The EU Data Strategy and the Draft Data Governance Act
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China: New Draft Car Privacy and Security Regulation is Open for Public Consultation
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