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Facebook Canadian Privacy News
[…] likely forgotten by their owners and should also be deleted on a published schedule. Here is the response from Facebook: “Facebook will soon be introducing a number of new additional privacy features to its service that we believe will keep the site at the forefront of user privacy and address any remaining concerns […]

How close to your actual home is the geo-info companies have about your IP address?
[…] how DoubleClick explains it: DoubleClick’s ad-serving and search products utilize non-PII. Some of our clients may associate PII that you have given them (for example, a customer number, if you have registered at or purchased from their websites), with their advertising campaigns. Although this customer number may be passed from the client to DoubleClick’s […]

If You're Going to Track Me, Please Use Cookies | Freedom to Tinker
[…] he can control them. I would add to his set of reasons the fact that cookies are unstable, imperfect and thus a less intrusive and permanent method than other ways a company might use. For example, a browser can only hold cookies of a limited size and number, and after that they are over written.

Huge news about your Social Security number!
Our friend Professor Alessandro Acquisti has published his paper showing how it is possible to predict social security numbers with a high degree of certainty, if your date of birth and location of birth are known. When Alessandro presented an early draft of his paper at the 2008 Privacy law Scholars Conference at GWU […]

A Posterboy for Advertising’s Pro-Consumer Quid Pro Quo | The Technology Liberation Front
[…] part of the trade-off for free content. But to use the Mr Yogato analogy, here is what is happening online – consumers are having a cookie ID number quietly stamped on the back on their necks, aren’t told about any discount for their yogurt purchase, and then policymakers are told that all is fair […]

Barking Robot: News Flash: Teens Don't Give a Twit About Twitter
It seems that there is a consensus that teens do not twitter, preferring less public venues such as Facebook status updates and phone texting. See they do care about privacy – they dont intend to blast their info to complete strangers (followers) but rather just to all their pals or maybe their friends friends. […]

What is a browser?
[…] Times Square were asked “What is a browser?” It’s not exactly a scientific study, but you get the point about the communication challenges involved if reading a page about browsers, cookies and IP addresses is supposed to ensure that users understand behavioral advertising. We also have to keep in mind that you and I […]

FetchBack – The Retargeting Company
Ad network FetchBack is now adding a link to its ads that take users to an informational and opt-out page. This is certainly another step in the right direction, so we offer our compliments. That being said, without a screenshot of what the little link on the ad looks like, the value to users […]

White House Cookies: Wrap-Up of the Open Government Brainstorming: Participation
[…] agencies to harness capabilities of cookies by streamlining approval process. Our sources tell us that the current cookie policy is indeed under review at OMB and a number of agencies and that staff will be looking closely at the input, so now is your chance to engage to ensure policymakers have the benefit of […]

"Know Privacy" Report Contains Interesting Observations
[…] privacy”. Overall the report does a great job at demonstrating how chaotic and confusing the online ecosystem can be for users. Although the reports count of the number of “web bugs” detected grabbed the press headlines, the most interesting sections may be the analysis done of privacy complaints filed with the FTC, TRUSTe, the […]