Protecting Privacy and People Using Airbnb to Go on Vacation
Last month, Attorney General Schneiderman made waves when he subpoenaed data on 15,000 New York City-based users of Airbnb, the service best known for allowing people to rent out their spare bedrooms or their homes while on vacation. The Attorney General is seeking to identify local landlords that are using Airbnb’s service to regularly rent […]

The FTC’s Upcoming “Internet Of Things” Workshop: FPF Projects And Resources
Next Tuesday, The Federal Trade Commission will host a workshop on the “Internet of Things,” (IoT), the name commonly used to describe the next generation of connected (or “smart”) devices. As we enter the age of the Internet of Things, soon our homes will know about our energy consumption habits, our cars will know how […]

Sharing Thoughts on Big Data and Privacy
We wanted to draw your attention to several excellent pieces discussing and summarizing last Tuesday’s “Big Data and Privacy: Making Ends Meet” workshop: Jedidiah Bracy covered the event for the IAPP’s Privacy Perspectives blog. He highlights a number of the day’s discussions, and concludes that “the ethics of Big Data and technology will be discussed […]

Apple Introduces New Privacy Features with iOS 7
With all the excitement around the launch of the new iPhone and iOS 7, we thought it would be interesting to highlight some new privacy-specific features. Some of these have been introduced as part of the iOS 7 software; others, like the Touch ID fingerprint scanner, are specific to the new iPhone. Here are some […]

New Survey on App Stores and Account Info Sharing – What This Means for COPPA
FPF is committed to helping the app marketplace comply with the FTC’s revised Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) rule. As explained in our public comments filed with the FTC, we think that one way to help companies and parents alike is to encourage collaboration. For example, by leveraging a common platform, “operators” under the […]

This Article Will Self Destruct in 5 Seconds
It is becoming increasingly difficult to escape our past in today’s digital world. Internet experts often warn us that once you post, there’s no going back. Many of us suffer from “social sharing regrets.” Just look at the memorable case of Stacy Snyder who was fired from her teaching position after posting a “Drunken Pirate” photo on […]

Safe Harbor: Time for a Fresh Look?
The fallout from the NSA revelations continue to make the national headlines. But the impact isn’t simply limited to the government’s use of data. Last week, the Chairman of the Article 29 Working Party wrote to the Vice-President of the European Commission to express “great concern” about PRISM and related intelligence programs, including how these […]

FTC Provides Limited “Safe Harbor” for Users of a “Do Not Track for Kids” Flag
The new Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) rule that went into effect earlier this month restricts almost all forms of tracking across child-directed sites other than for a set of limited “internal operations purposes.” Child-directed sites are now strictly liable for any third party tracking on their sites that do not meet COPPA’s limited […]

NTIA User Interface Mockups
“I am pleased to support the NTIA Short Form Notice Code of Conduct,” said Jules Polonetsky, Executive Director of the Future of Privacy Forum. “A ‘food label’ type approach to a privacy notice will give consumers a standardized way to get key privacy information at a glance and will help consumers better understand how apps […]

Getting COPPA Right with a New Directed at Children Signal
One of the most important provisions of the updated Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) rule that took effect yesterday is the extension of child privacy protection to behavioral advertising, the practice of tracking users across online sites and services to tailor advertising. The Future of Privacy Forum supported the Federal Trade Commission’s move to […]