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Radio Interview – Lauren Smith, FPF Policy Counsel, Discusses the "Textalyzer"
Today, Lauren Smith, FPF Policy Counsel, joined The Takeaway to discuss the legal issues behind the “Textalyzer,” a technology that can tap into a driver’s phone, and whether or not it is the best deterrent to prevent texting and driving.

Google Provides Open Source Platform for Beacon Security
[…] owner’s awareness. In fact, they only transmit, never collect, data. And location tracking is possible ONLY if you have given that specific app permission to use your phone’s location functions, and if you have your Bluetooth access turned on. You can control this on your phone’s setting, and you can deny an app access […]

Student Privacy Pledge – Hits 250 with Launch of New Site!
[…] of education technology companies to lead in the responsible use of student data by signing the Student Privacy Pledge. We look forward to a continuing increase in the number of companies joining this effort and agreeing to be held publicly accountable to the safeguards embodied in the Pledge. Read the full text of the Student […]

Broadband Privacy and the FCC: Protect Consumers from Being Deceived and from Unfair Practices
[…] ISPs. Swire shows that some of the conventional wisdom which assumes that ISPs can access every bit of a consumer online activity is off base, as a number of factors limit the visibility ISPs have. Swire also shows that much of the data used by tracking and targeting companies is widely available via social […]

The FBI and the iPhone in Your Pocket
Consider the data on your iPhone for a moment. Emails, pictures, passwords, credit cards, location history, contacts and more. Imagine your phone unlocked in the hands of a criminal who snatched it, or someone who wanted to embarrass you who peeked at it, or a hacker who remotely accessed it. Today, if you have […]

FPF Welcomes New Senior Fellow – Ira Rubinstein
FPF is proud to welcome its newest Senior Fellow, Ira Rubinstein. Ira will be working with FPF staff, fellows and members on a number of cross-Atlantic privacy issues and will be collaborating with EU academics and institutions on projects focused on de-identification, ethics, big data, and other issues. Ira Rubinstein is a Senior Fellow […]

Algorithmic transparency: Examining from within and without
As the volume of consumer data grows, an increasing number of decisions previously made by humans are now made by algorithms. Many thought leaders have called for algorithmic transparency to ensure that these decisions aren’t leading to unfair or discriminatory outcomes, but algorithmic transparency is tricky to implement. Last December, FTC Commissioner Julie Brill […]

Who Exactly IS a "School Official" Anyway?
[…] saying that it was helpful to include in the regulations what has historically been the Department’s interpretation of the “school officials” exception. A majority of commenters…raised a number of issues concerning the proposal. Several commenters expressed concern that the requirement that an outside party must perform an institutional service or function for which the […]

In-Store Location Tracking: A Holiday Guide
[…] and how consumers who wish to do so can opt out. There are many ways that your location can be assessed using the sensors on your phone. A few are precise enough to detect your movements inside a single store or a particular aisle, while others are more general or rely on aggregated […]

Panelists Debated Materiality and Privacy Harms under the FTC’s Section 5
[…] to the FTC’s recent enforcement action against Nomi Technologies, a consumer analytics company that provided retailers with the technology to track in-store consumers by collecting their cell phone MAC addresses. At issue was the fact that Nomi’s privacy policy promised consumers the ability to opt out of the tracking—either online or in-store—but did not […]