Closer than Apart: Comparing Senate Commerce Committee Bills
[…] and in the text of Sec. 105 for Wicker). The definition of “sensitive data” in the Cantwell bill is significantly broader, containing “browsing history,” “email,” and “ phone number” (these are not included in Wicker). Commercial IRBs for Ethical Research – Among similar lists of enumerated exceptions to individual rights (for e.g. product recalls, […]

Starting Point for Negotiation: An Analysis of Senate Democratic Leadership’s Landmark Comprehensive Privacy Bill
[…] other things): biometric data, information that reveals past, present, or future physical or mental health, disability, or diagnosis of an individual, precise geolocation, details of private communications, phone or text logs, race or ethnicity, union membership, sexual orientation or sexual behavior, and intimate images (a notable inclusion that may intersect with Section 230 and […]

What They’re Saying: Stakeholders Warn Senate Surveillance Bill Could Harm Students, Communities
[…] foster rather than prevent a violent school environment … By making the criminal process the frontline for student discipline, this bill will only serve to increase the number of students of color and students with disabilities in the juvenile justice system. – Coalition for Smart Safety; Letter to Senator John Cornyn Leslie Boggs, national PTA […]

FPF Receives Grant To Design Ethical Review Process for Research Access to Corporate Data
Future of Privacy Forum (FPF) has received a grant to create an independent party of experts for an ethical review process that can provide trusted vetting of corporate-academic research projects. FPF will establish a pool of respected reviewers to operate as a standalone, on-demand review board to evaluate research uses of personal data and create a set of transparent policies and processes to be applied to such reviews.

Key Findings From the Latest ‘Right To Be Forgotten’ Cases
Case C-136/17 GC et al v CNIL – right to be forgotten; lawful grounds for processing of sensitive data Link to judgment: http://curia.europa.eu/juris/document/document.jsf?text=&docid=218106&pageInd ex=0&doclang=EN&mode=req&dir=&occ=first&part=1&cid=335023 Main issue: Four erasure requests not linked to each other and all having to do with de-linking news articles from Google search results pages, some of which contained sensitive data, were […]

CCPA 2.0? A New California Ballot Initiative is Introduced
[…] for CCPA education, rulemaking, and enforcement activities. Add a new category of personal information to the CCPA called: “sensitive information,” which includes: precise geolocation information, social security number, passport number, customer’s account log in, financial account, personal information revealing a consumer’s racial or ethcinic origin, religion, union membership, or sexual orientation, among other categories. […]

The Right to Be Forgotten: Future of Privacy Forum Statement on Decisions by European Court of Justice
WASHINGTON, DC – September 24, 2019 – Statement by Future of Privacy Forum CEO Jules Polonetsky regarding two European Court of Justice decisions announced today in its cases with Google: Key decisions about the balance of privacy and free expression still remain to be settled by the European Court of Justice (ECJ). Although the ECJ’s […]

What is 5G Cell Technology? How Will It Affect Me?
[…] the same long-range band of airwaves, as does broadcast television. This shift to a different part of the spectrum promises better connectivity, but will require a larger number of cell sites. Current 4G networks provide service by broadcasting radio waves from large cell towers to extended areas. The capabilities of individual tower sites, the […]

10 Reasons Why the GDPR Is the Opposite of a ‘Notice and Consent’ Type of Law
[…] be fair Absolutely all collection and uses of personal data must be fair and transparent, regardless of the ground for processing (opt-in, opt-out, legal obligation etc.). This is the Number 1 rule relating to processing of personal data listed in the GDPR (check out Article 5(1)(a)) and breaching it is sanctioned with the higher tier of […]

10th Annual Privacy Papers for Policymakers – Send Us Your Work!
The 10th Annual Privacy Papers for Policymakers awards have been announced. Register here to attend the event on February 6, 2020. We will open the submissions process for next year’s awards in fall 2020. Have you conducted privacy-related research that policymakers should know about? If so, we can help you get it in front of […]