Starting Point for Negotiation: An Analysis of Senate Democratic Leadership’s Landmark Comprehensive Privacy Bill
Today, Senate Commerce Committee Ranking Member Maria Cantwell (D-WA), joined by top Democrats on the Senate Commerce Committee – Senators Markey, Schatz and Klobuchar – introduced a new comprehensive federal privacy bill, the Consumer Online Privacy Rights Act (COPRA). The bill is consistent with the Senate Democratic leadership positions announced last week and comes in advance of a December 4th Senate Commerce Committee hearing convened by Senator Wicker (R-Miss), Examining Legislative Proposals to Protect Consumer Data Privacy.

What They’re Saying: Stakeholders Warn Senate Surveillance Bill Could Harm Students, Communities
Parents, privacy advocates, education stakeholders, and members of the disability rights community are raising concerns about new Senate legislation that would mandate unproven student surveillance programs and encourage greater law enforcement intervention in classrooms in a misguided effort to improve school safety. Last week, Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) introduced the RESPONSE Act, legislation that is intended to help reduce and […]

CCPA 2.0? A New California Ballot Initiative is Introduced
Introduction On September 13, 2019, the California State Legislature passed the final CCPA amendments of 2019. Governor Newsom is expected to sign the recently passed CCPA amendments into law in advance of his October 13, 2019 deadline. Yesterday, proponents of the original CCPA ballot initiative released the text of a new initiative (The California Privacy […]

What is 5G Cell Technology? How Will It Affect Me?
The leap from 3G to 4G technology brought with it faster data transfer speeds, which supported widespread adoption of data cloud and streaming services, video conferencing, and Internet of Things devices such as digital home assistants and smartwatches. 5G technology has the potential to enable another wave of smart devices: always connected and always communicating to provide faster, more personalized services.

10 Reasons Why the GDPR Is the Opposite of a ‘Notice and Consent’ Type of Law
The below piece was originally published on Medium. For a version with humorous images, head to the original post. A ‘notice and consent’ privacy law puts the entire burden of privacy protection on the person and then it doesn’t really give them any choice. The GDPR does the opposite of this. There is so much […]

New FPF Study: More Than 200 European Companies are Participating in Key EU-US Data Transfer Mechanism
Co-Authored by: Daniel Neally & Jeremy Greenberg EU Companies’ Participation in Privacy Shield Grew by More than One-Third Over the Past Year EU-US Privacy Shield Essential to Leading European Companies From Major Employers such as Aldi and Dr. Oetker to Leading Technology Firms like CRISPR Therapeutics and Workwave, European Companies Depend on the EU-US Agreement […]

Digital Deep Fakes
The media has recently labeled manipulated videos of people “deepfakes,” a portmanteau of “deep learning” and “fake,” on the assumption that AI-based software is behind them all. But the technology behind video manipulation is not all based on deep learning (or any form of AI), and what are lumped together as deepfakes actually differ depending on the particular technology used. So while the example videos above were all doctored in some way, they were not all altered using the same technological tools, and the risks they pose – particularly as to being identifiable as fake – may vary.

What We're Reading: Europe
June 2019 A round-up of the most important developments in the EU Data Protection world Enforcement The Italian DPA levied a 2.000.000€ (IT) fine against a telemarketing company and its call-center operations conducted by a de facto “sub-contractor” in Albania for creating contact lists, calling people and sharing their telephone numbers with a third party (their client) […]

What We're Reading: Artificial Intelligence
Summary of articles, reports, and updates on AI and related topics As of May 28, 2019 TABLE OF CONTENTS: NEWS FROM FPF FPF on the Hill MONTHLY NEWS AND UPDATES In Government, Law, and Regulation AI and Machine Learning in the News The State of AI AI and Ethics AI and Cars AI and […]

Ethical and Privacy Protective Academic Research and Corporate Data
Is edtech helping or hindering student education? What effect does social media have on elections? What types of user interfaces help users manage privacy settings? Can the data collected by wearables inform health care? In almost every area of science, academic researchers are seeking access to personal data held by companies to advance their work. […]