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ITPI Event Recap – The EU Data Strategy and the Draft Data Governance Act
[…] like to integrate an AI component, that would be considered high-risk AI. Tielemans also noted that, once a system is qualified as high-risk, then providers acquire a number of obligations on training models, record keeping, among others. On the DSA, Tielemans pointed out that the proposal is geared towards providers of online intermediary services. […]

Preemption in US Federal Privacy Laws
[…] being regulated can be localized, or have its geographic location readily inferred. Email addresses, despite being personal information, give no indication of the owner’s location, while residential phone numbers were straightforward to relate to a particular state when the law was drafted in 1991. Thus, while differing state telemarketing laws can present compliance costs […]

India’s new Intermediary & Digital Media Rules: Expanding the Boundaries of Executive Power in Digital Regulation
[…] creative content producers – which would otherwise be litigated in Courts and Tribunals as matters of free speech. As noted by many (including the LiveLaw petition at page 33), this could have the effect of overturning judicial precedent in Shreya Singhal v. Union of India ((2013) 12 S.C.C. 73) that specifically read down s […]

Colorado Privacy Act Passes Legislature: Growing Inconsistencies Ramp Up Pressure for Federal Privacy Law
[…] the rights of access, correction, deletion, and portability, the law follows existing standards and incentivizes covered entities to maintain data in less identifiable formats. As a growing number of states begin to pass their own consumer privacy laws, concerns about interoperability may begin to emerge. For instance, definitional differences regarding what constitutes sensitive data, […]

Privacy Trends: Four State Bills to Watch that Diverge from California and Washington Models
[…] “personally identifiable information.” Category 1 information includes personal data “that an individual may use in a personal, civic, or business setting,” including a SSN, a driver’s license number, passport number, unique biometric information, physical or mental health information, private communications, etc. Category 2 information includes personal data that may present a “privacy risk” to […]

South Korea: The First Case Where the Personal Information Protection Act was Applied to an AI System
[…] were employed in training algorithms to develop the “Iruda” AI model, without any efforts by ScatterLab to delete or encrypt users’ personal information, including their names, mobile phone numbers, and addresses. Additionally, 100 million KakaoTalk messages from women in their twenties were added to the response database with “Iruda” programmed to select and respond […]

Talking to Kids About Privacy: Advice from a Panel of International Experts
[…] underneath algorithms are human biases and data that is often biased. That’s the key learning we want kids to take away.” Each of the panelists shared a number of terrific resources and recommendations for parents and educators, which we have listed and linked to below, along with a few of our own. Watch the […]

Automated Decision-Making Systems: Considerations for State Policymakers
[…] techniques, that makes a decision or facilitates human decision-making” (New Jersey S1943) would likely include a wide range of traditional statistical data processing, such as estimating average number of vehicles per hour on a highway to facilitate automatic lane closures in intelligent traffic systems. This would place an additional, significant requirement for conducting complex […]

5 Highlights from FPF’s “AI Out Loud” Expert Panel
[…] technologies, designers and developers must address diversity at all stages from inception to launch. Companies should collaborate with advocacy groups, civil society, and academia to seek outcomes that provide equitable services to all potential users. Watch the expert panel on FPF’s YouTube Channel and visit our events page for upcoming opportunities. ai out loud webinar

A New Era for Japanese Data Protection: 2020 Amendments to the APPI
The recent amendments to Japan’s data protection law contain a number of new provisions certain to alter – and for many foreign businesses, transform – the ways in which companies conduct business in or with Japan.