Facebook Change Gives Users More Privacy Controls
Facebook Change Gives Users More Privacy Controls Associated Press By Barbara Ortutay December 9, 2009 Facebook is changing its privacy settings to give users control over who sees the information they post on their personal pages. Beginning Wednesday, the networking Web site is taking the rare step of requiring its more than 350 million users […]

Facebook Rolls Out New Privacy Tool
Facebook Rolls Out New Privacy Tool AFP By Glenn Chapman December 9, 2009 Facebook on Wednesday began calling on users to get a better grip on their online privacy by dictating who sees what in profiles at the world’s leading social networking service. All of Facebook’s more than 350 million members will be required to […]

FPF Announces Four New Advisory Board Members
We are pleased to announce today four new Future of Privacy Forum advisory board members and supporters. We look forward to their guidance. Ontario Privacy Commissioner Dr. Ann Cavoukian is recognized as one of the leading privacy experts in the world. An avowed believer in the role that technology can play in protecting privacy, Dr. […]

Check out the Icons Live!
Both Yahoo! and AT&T have already implemented a trial run for one of the icons at www.green.yahoo.com/living-green/ and www.yellowpages.com, respectively. In addition, the two icons are now being tested with an internet survey of 2600 users to quantitatively determine their utility as a means of providing effective notice and to select the most effective symbol […]

Future of Privacy Forum Unveils New Privacy and Personalization Symbols Finalists
Today Future of Privacy Forum (FPF) released two proposed icons designed to communicate to web users about the efforts of advertisers to tailor ads based on the websites they visit. In February 2009, the Federal Trade Commission expressed concern that privacy policies were not being read or understood, and urged the industry to develop new […]

ISPAB to Address Smart Grid Issues
The Commerce Department/NIST Information Security and Privacy Advisory Board (ISPAB) is holding its December meeting tomorrow in Washington, DC. On the agenda is a discussion about privacy, security and the smart grid, led by FPF Co-Chair Jules Polonetsky, Dave Dalva, Senior Security Strategist at Cisco, and Lynn McNulty, Director of Government Affairs at (ISC)2. ISPAB […]

Communicating Online Advertising Practices to Consumers
Nymity, a global privacy and data protection research services firm and FPF supporter, just published an interview with Jules which provides a nice overview of our activities. You can sign up for Nymity’s free newsletter at www.nymity.com.

PrivacyProf on the SmartGrid
Some of the leading privacy analysis related to the smart grid has been carried out by Rebecca Herrold, a.k.a @PrivacyProf to her Twitter followers. Her most recent post, an effort to begin to map privacy standards to potential grid privacy concerns, does not disappoint. We are looking forward to having her on our smart grid […]

Cookie Opt-in, Opt-out? How about stepping up?
EU companies are heaving sighs of relief after obtaining some text changes in the EU telecoms package passed this week in Brussels. Concerns that the proposed amendments to the ePrivacy Directive would have required cookies used for secondary purposes to be “opt-in” had trade groups scrambling, but elimination of the words “prior” and “after having […]

FTC "Exploring Privacy" Roundtable Series
Jules Polonetsky will be participating in the FTC’s “Exploring Privacy” Roundtable on Monday, December 7 in Washington, D.C. Jules will be participating on Panel 2: Consumer Expectations and Disclosures from 11:00-12:15. Click on this link for more details: http://www.ftc.gov/bcp/workshops/privacyroundtables/index.shtml