Privacy and Big Data: The Biggest Public Policy Challenge of Our Time?
On the IAPP blog, Omer Tene writes,”If privacy regulators were the sole decision-makers determining the relative importance of values that sometimes conflict with privacy they would become the de facto regulators of all things commerce, research, security and speech.” Read the post for the point-counterpoint between Professor Paul Ohm, Omer Tene and Jules Polonetsky.

FPFcast: Talking Big Data with Professor Chris Hoofnagle

Big Data: Will We Be Judged By The Tin Man?
Big data, the enhanced ability to collect, store and analyze previously unimaginable quantities of data in tremendous speed and with negligible costs, delivers immense benefits in marketing efficiency, healthcare, environmental protection, national security and more. While some privacy advocates may dispute the merits of sophisticated behavioral marketing practices or debate the usefulness of certain data […]

Safe Harbor: Time for a Fresh Look?
The fallout from the NSA revelations continue to make the national headlines. But the impact isn’t simply limited to the government’s use of data. Last week, the Chairman of the Article 29 Working Party wrote to the Vice-President of the European Commission to express “great concern” about PRISM and related intelligence programs, including how these […]

FPFcast: Talking Big Data with Professor Bill McGeveran

FTC Provides Limited “Safe Harbor” for Users of a “Do Not Track for Kids” Flag
The new Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) rule that went into effect earlier this month restricts almost all forms of tracking across child-directed sites other than for a set of limited “internal operations purposes.” Child-directed sites are now strictly liable for any third party tracking on their sites that do not meet COPPA’s limited […]

NTIA User Interface Mockups
“I am pleased to support the NTIA Short Form Notice Code of Conduct,” said Jules Polonetsky, Executive Director of the Future of Privacy Forum. “A ‘food label’ type approach to a privacy notice will give consumers a standardized way to get key privacy information at a glance and will help consumers better understand how apps […]

FTC Privacy Veteran Molly Crawford Joins Future of Privacy Forum as Policy Director
Washington, DC, July 23, 2013 The Future of Privacy Forum (FPF), a Washington, DC-based think tank advancing responsible data use and consumer privacy, today announced that former Federal Trade Commission staffer Molly Crawford has joined FPF as its first Policy Director. In her new role, Ms. Crawford will be expanding and coordinating FPF’s focus on […]

The Ethics of Student Privacy: Building Trust for Ed Tech
Read FPF’s paper on ethics and trust in the ed tech environment, but Jules Polonetsky and Omer Tene, as published in the International Review of Information Ethics, Vol. 21 (07/2014).

July 16, 2013 – Companies To Develop Privacy Standards For Tracking Brick-And-Mortar MediaPost News
FPF begins work with technology companies, privacy advocates, and regulators to develop a code of conduct aimed at protecting consumers’ privacy.