A Privacy Playbook for Connected Car Data
Drivers and passengers expect cars to be safe, comfortable, and trustworthy. Individuals often consider the details of their travels—and the vehicles that take them between their home, the office, a hospital, their place of worship, or their child’s school—to be sensitive, personal data.
The newest cars contain numerous sensors, from cameras and GPS to accelerometers and event data recorders. Carmakers, rideshare services, tech companies, and others are increasingly using data about cars to reduce emissions, manage traffic, avoid crashes, and more. The benefits of connected vehicles for individuals, communities, and society are clear. So are the privacy risks posed by increased collection, use, and sharing of personal information about drivers, passengers, cyclists, and pedestrians.
It is crucial that companies, advocates, academics, technical experts, and policymakers craft creative solutions that promote the benefits of connected vehicles while mitigating the privacy risks. Global legal frameworks have a role to play in assuring meaningful data protection and promoting trust, as do voluntary, enforceable codes of conduct and technical standards.
However, it is plain that entities must look beyond legal obligations and consider how they will earn and maintain consumer trust. With this white paper, Otonomo has taken an important step to advance the dialogue on connected car data privacy.
Originally released in October 2019, Otonomo’s Privacy Playbook for Connected Car Data presents nine plays for putting privacy at the center of your data business practices.