FPF Training Program 2024 – Main

> FPF Training Program 2024 – Main

FPF Training Program

Live Virtual Trainings for Individuals and Teams
Choose the Format that Fits You and Your Team


In today’s rapidly evolving technological landscape, data privacy and artificial intelligence (AI) have become crucial areas of focus for ​organizations across various industries.

As the volume of personal data collected and processed continues to grow exponentially and AI systems become increasingly ​sophisticated, it is imperative for professionals, particularly those in privacy leadership, compliance, or general counsel positions, to stay ​informed and equipped with the latest knowledge and best practices in these domains.

By investing in privacy training programs, organizations can empower key personnel to navigate complex legal and ethical challenges, ​mitigate potential risks, and ensure compliance with ever-changing regulations.

Privacy leaders, compliance officers, and general counsels acquiring this expertise can serve as strategic partners within their ​organizations, guiding decision-making processes, fostering a culture of privacy and ethical AI, and ultimately contributing to the ​organization’s overall success and reputation.

Designed by FPF faculty, our training program is for professionals who develop policies for their organizations, work with clients on ​complex privacy issues, or are interested in emerging privacy topics. Choose from our live virtual and private in-house options.


Our Privacy Training Programs Will Teach You:

  • Relevant laws, policies
  • Use cases
  • Underlying technologies
  • Data flows
  • Business practices
  • Global data protection complexities


Live Virtual Training

Our live virtual privacy trainings, led by FPF’s esteemed faculty ​members, offer professionals a unique opportunity to enhance ​their expertise in data privacy, AI, and related fields.

These immersive two-hour sessions provide participants with the ​latest insights, best practices, and practical strategies to navigate ​the complex landscape of privacy regulations and AI governance.

By engaging in these trainings, professionals in privacy leadership, ​compliance, or general counsel roles can gain a comprehensive ​understanding of the legal framework surrounding data protection, ​develop the skills to assess and mitigate potential risks, and learn ​how to leverage emerging technologies to bolster their ​organization’s privacy and AI initiatives.

Upon completing the training, participants will receive a ​digital badge, recognizing their newfound knowledge and ​demonstrating their commitment to staying at the forefront of ​privacy developments.

training topic

In-House Private Trainings

Elevate your organization’s privacy expertise with our tailored in-​house training sessions designed to address your specific needs ​and challenges.

Our expert instructors deliver personalized training experiences on ​a wide range of privacy topics, fostering an interactive learning ​environment that encourages collaboration and engagement ​among your team members.

By opting for private training sessions, your team can freely discuss ​sensitive issues and ask questions specific to your organization’s ​context without concerns about confidentiality or public disclosure. ​These in-house sessions provide a unique opportunity for your ​internal stakeholders to align their understanding of privacy best ​practices, regulatory requirements, and industry trends, ultimately ​strengthening your organization’s privacy culture and decision-​making processes.

With a flat fee per session and flexible scheduling options, our ​private training solutions offer a cost-effective and convenient way ​to invest in your team’s professional development.



Chloe Alteri

Policy Counsel, Youth & Education Privacy
Future of Privacy Forum

Chloe Autio

AI Policy & Emerging Technology Policy Expert

Miranda Bogan

AI Policy Expert

Giovanni De Gregorio

PLMJ Chair in Law and Technology
Católica Global School of Law and Católica Lisbon School of Law

Katerina Demetzou

Senior Counsel for Global Privacy
Future of Privacy Forum

Jevan Hutson

Hintze Law PLLC