A Landmark Ruling in Brazil: Paving the Way for Considering Data Protection as an Autonomous Fundamental Right
Authors: Bruno Ricardo Bioni and Renato Leite Monteiro A historic ruling of the Brazilian Supreme Court from May 07, 2020 describes the right to data protection as an autonomous right stemming from the Brazilian Constitution. By a significant majority, 10 votes to 1, the Court halted the effectiveness of the Presidential Executive Order (MP[1] 954/2020) […]

Endgame Issues: New Brookings Report on Paths to Federal Privacy Legislation
Authors: Stacey Gray, Senior Counsel (US Legislation and Policymaker Education), Polly Sanderson, Policy Counsel This afternoon, The Brookings Institution released a new report, Bridging the gaps: A path forward to federal privacy legislation, a comprehensive analysis of the most challenging obstacles to Congress passing a comprehensive federal privacy law. The report includes a detailed range […]

New Infographic Illustrates Key Aspects of Location Data
Today, the Future of Privacy Forum (FPF) published an infographic, “The World of Geolocation Data” that outlines how location data is generated from mobile devices, who has access to it, and factors to consider in evaluating privacy risks. Data from our mobile devices, including smartphones and fitness trackers, can serve as a proxy for where […]

Understanding the "World of Geolocation Data"
How is location data generated from mobile devices, who gets access to it, and how? As debates over companies and public health authorities using device data to address the current global pandemic continue, it is more important than ever for policymakers and regulators to understand the practical basics of how mobile operating systems work, how […]

FPF CEO: Will I Install an Exposure Notification App? Thoughts on the Apple-Google API
As a privacy expert, if my local health department develops a mobile app for people with a COVID diagnosis to alert anyone they were near, will I use it? Yes, I will. And I will urge friends, neighbors and colleagues to download such an app. I have an immuno-compromised family member in my household. I am […]

FPF Honors UC-Irvine/Lumos Labs Partnership with First-Ever Award for Research Data Stewardship
Click here to view the Call for Nominations for the 2021 FPF Award for Research Data Stewardship. Click here to watch a recording of the 2020 FPF Award for Research Data Stewardship virtual awards event. University of California Irvine (UCI) Professor of Cognitive Science Mark Steyvers and Lumos Labs – the parent company behind Lumosity, […]

Artificial Intelligence and the COVID-19 Pandemic
By Brenda Leong and Dr. Sara Jordan Machine learning-based technologies are playing a substantial role in the response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Experts are using machine learning to study the virus, test potential treatments, diagnose individuals, analyze the public health impacts, and more. Below, we describe some of the leading efforts and identify data protection […]

European Union’s Data-Based Policy Against the Pandemic, Explained
Benefitting from a mature and largely harmonized data protection legal framework, the European Union and its Member States are taking policymaking steps towards a pan-European approach to enlisting data and technology against the spread of COVID-19 and to support the gradual restarting of the economy. Here is an overview of key recent events essential to […]

A Closer Look at Location Data: Privacy and Pandemics
In this series, Privacy and Pandemics, the Future of Privacy Forum explores the challenges posed by the COVID-19 crisis to existing ethical, privacy, and data protection frameworks, and will seek to provide information and guidance to companies and researchers interested in responsible data sharing to support public health response. Future posts will examine pandemic-tracking mobile […]

FPF and AASA Release Student Privacy Guidance to Help Schools Manage COVID-19 Response
Today, the Future of Privacy Forum (FPF) and AASA, The School Superintendents Association, released a new white paper that offers guidance to help K-12 and higher education administrators and educators protect student privacy during the COVID-19 pandemic.