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TEDx Wilmington: What's Driving the Connected Car? Data, It Turns Out.
[…] 94% of car crashes are caused by human error, the case is so much stronger for opting in and sharing data with your car than even your phone—something we have all already chosen to do. As with smartphones your car will need to collect information, and sometimes send it, in order to enable these […]

Law Enforcement Access to Student Records: What Is the Law?
[…] our new publication here for more information, and we list additional helpful resources below. If this all sounds overwhelming, then it’s important to remind you of the number one best practice: strive to minimize legal risks on the back end by limiting the amount and types of data you collect about students on the […]

Study: EU-US Privacy Shield Essential to Leading European Companies
[…] increase over the 3.5% of all companies that were based in Europe under the previous EU-US Safe Harbor Program in 2014. At only a year old, the number of Privacy Shield participants is already greater than 2,000 and typically grows by several members each week. Leading EU companies that rely on Privacy Shield include: […]

Upcoming Future of Privacy Forum Events
In the coming months, FPF will be hosting or co-hosting a number of events. We welcome your attendance and participation. Please contact us at [email protected] for further information.

Location Controls in iOS 11 Highlight the Role of Platforms
[…] just a notification, it’s also feature—it makes it easy to return to the app after leaving it to take a call or do something else on the phone. For these reasons, industry sources are noting that most location-based mobile marketing are unlikely to be affected. We agree, although it’s worth noting that there are […]

Privacy Scholarship Research Reporter: Issue 2, July 2017 – Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: The Privacy Challenge
[…] problems of three basic types: (1) data privacy problems; (2) boundary management problems; and (3) social/relational problems. Technological design can ward off, if not fully prevent, a number of these harms. We propose five principles for home robots and privacy design: data minimization, purpose specifications, use limitations, honest anthropomorphism, and dynamic feedback and participation. […]

Honoring Jessica Rich
[…] reports on data brokers, the Internet of Things, Cross Device Tracking, Big Data, mobile security, and kids’ apps. Prior to being named Director, Jessica served in a number of senior roles at the FTC, including Deputy Director of the Bureau, Associate Director of the Division of Financial Practices, and Acting Associate Director of the […]

WannaCry About Backdoors
[…] a back door in, that back door’s for everybody, for good guys and bad guys.” Strong encryption is permitted even under the 1994 U.S. law that requires phone companies to build their networks to respond to court orders. As the ACLU’s Chris Soghoian has emphasized, that law “explicitly protected the rights of companies that […]

Consumer Genetic Testing: Beginning to Assess Privacy Practices
[…] information without explicit permission, the ability to delete their information, and promises to only use the data for the expected purposes. FPF has begun discussions with a number of consumer genetics companies and hopes to share best practices guidance in the upcoming months. But before we begin, there are some useful lessons that FPF […]

Homomorphic Encryption Signals the Future for Socially Valuable Research on Private Data
[…] of a fully homomorphic cryptosystem have been dancing in cryptographers’ heads for thirty years. I never expected to see one. It will be years before a sufficient number of cryptographers examine the algorithm that we can have any confidence that the scheme is secure, but — practicality be damned — this is an amazing […]