FPF announces appointment of Malavika Raghavan as Senior Fellow for India
The Future of Privacy Forum announces the appointment of Malavika Raghavan as Senior Fellow for India, expanding our Global Privacy team to one of the key jurisdictions for the future of privacy and data protection law. Malavika is a thought leader and a lawyer working on interdisciplinary research, focusing on the impacts of digitisation on […]

India: Massive overhaul of digital regulation, with strict rules for take-down of illegal content and Automated scanning of online content
On February 25, the Indian Government notified and published Information Technology (Guidelines for Intermediaries and Digital media Ethics Code) Rules 2021. These rules mirror the Digital Services Act (DSA) proposal of the EU to some extent, since they propose a tiered approach based on the scale of the platform, they touch on intermediary liability, content moderation, take-down of […]

Russia: New Law Requires Express Consent for Making Personal Data Available to the Public and for Any Subsequent Dissemination
Authors: Gabriela Zanfir-Fortuna and Regina Iminova Amendments to the Russian general data protection law (Federal Law No. 152-FZ on Personal Data) adopted at the end of 2020 enter into force today (Monday, March 1st), with some of them having the effective date postponed until July 1st. The changes are part of a legislative package that […]

Understanding Interconnected Local and Global Data Flows
International data flows have been top of mind in the past year for digital rights advocates, companies and regulators, particularly international transfers following the Schrems II judgment of the Court of Justice of the EU from last July. As data protection authorities assess how to use technical safeguards and contractual measures to support data flows […]

Emerging Patchwork or Laboratories of Democracy? Privacy Legislation in Virginia and Other States
Stacey Gray, Pollyanna Sanderson & Samuel Adams In the absence of federal privacy legislation, U.S. states are weighing in. In Virginia, the “Consumer Data Protection Act” (“CDPA”) (HB 2307 / SB 1392) could be signed into law within weeks, and if passed, would take effect on Jan. 1, 2023. If the law passes, it would […]

Seven Questions to Ask if You Have XR on Your Holiday Wish List
The holidays are right around the corner, and with so many of us sheltering in place in response to COVID-19, some are looking for an escape from the same four walls. Enter XR to help virtually transport us to new worlds, immersive games, and social interactions. XR, or extended reality, is an umbrella term for […]

The Complex Landscape of Enforcing the LGPD in Brazil: Public Prosecutors, Courts and the National System of Consumer Defense
Authors: Hunter Dorwart (FPF), Mariana Rielli (DPB) and Rafael Zanatta (DPB) On Tuesday, November 24, 2020, the Future of Privacy Forum (FPF) and Data Privacy Brasil (DPB) co-hosted a landscape webinar exploring the relationship between Brazil’s legal system and the implementation of Brazil’s new data protection law, Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados (LGPD). As a federation, Brazil hosts many separate […]

The Spectrum of Artificial Intelligence – An Infographic Tool
UPDATED August 3, 2021 and June 2023. FPF released the white paper, The Spectrum of AI: Companion to the FPF AI Infographic, to provide additional detail and analysis for use of this Infographic tool as an educational resources for policymakers or regulators. FPF has just completed its newest infographic educational tool, The Spectrum of Artificial Intelligence. […]

Legislative Findings: Brookings Builds on U.S. Privacy Legislation Report
Today, the Brookings Institution released model legislative findings for federal privacy legislation, intended to accompany the model privacy legislation they published in June, 2020. The findings are designed to motivate discussion and to reconcile differences between two of the leading proposals: Sen. Maria Cantwell’s (D-WA) Consumer Online Privacy Rights Act and Sen. Roger Wicker’s (R-MS) SAFE DATA Act. The legislative findings also […]

A Deep Dive into New Zealand’s New Privacy Law: Extraterritorial Effect, Cross-Border Data Transfers Restrictions and New Powers of the Privacy Commissioner
By Caroline Hopland, Hunter Dorwart and Gabriela Zanfir-Fortuna Last week, on December 1st, the newly amended Privacy Act 2020 (Act) of New Zealand came into force. The act was passed by the New Zealand Parliament on June 20, 2020 and made significant changes to the 1993 law, Privacy Act 1993. The amendments cover a broad range of topics including the […]